Train bomb in Indian station.

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GML, either I am amused by the fact a bomb exploded, or it is the way I always sign my posts... You decide.

Ed :cool:
To be fair your post included nothing but a link to a tragedy along with a smiley face.

I wouldn't be surprised when people wonder what on Earth you're trying to say.

Do you have a position? If so what is it? If not, why post it?
I recognized his smiley face as being something he posts on ALL his posts. It did not offend me that it was on thie particular post.

Why does he need to have a "position" to post about a train tragedy?
My position is that I do not support bombs, I enjoy Indian train rides, and am sad that this happened. I have been to Chennai station, so it is extra sad.

As to my 100% posting of "cool" smiley: "Sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to be an obnoxious fool..."

Ed :cool:
Interesting, I assume your visit is for buisiness, will you be taking other trains while in India? I am a great fan of India and Indian trains, so would like to hear more about your trip. As you may know, there are two main stations in Chennai. I hope to revisit India myself this autumn, if my health is up to it.

Ed :cool:
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A small group from my church are going to meet with a local preacher and visit a children's home. We will spend a week in Chennai then a week in Ongole. We will use the train to travel between the two. From what I understand we will be riding the Pinakini Express.

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