When I applied for the DC crew base for the CL run, there were apparently 200 applicants for a total of 15 new SA/TA/FS positions. I was hired and trained in all three crafts. I was on the extra-board for a total of three months, but now have a regular. (three days on/three days off for a regular versus 3 days on/UP to 2 days off for extra-board). Keep in mind that all "regular" jobs are "bid" upon twice a year, and they are granted based on seniority. Salaries for SA/TA are slightly lower than for FS. 17ish versus 18ish. SA/TA meaning Coach Attendant, Sleeper Attendant, Service Attendant (waiter-ess) in dining car. FS meaning Food Specialist assisting Chef and taking over his duties if he/she should become ill enroute.
Its a lot of time away from home but you meet a lot of new people and have some great (and not-so-great) experiences. This job is all about what you put into it and treating people how you would like to be treated. I love talking to and helping "newbie" customers to Amtrak, because, in general, they "convert" to Amtrak from driving or flying after their first trip!
Don't get me wrong though, its not an easy job. It IS physically exhausting for my three days on, but I generally recoop in a day or so, get all of my running around done etc, then I'm back on duty.