Sorry, I used your post as a jumping-off point to discuss a point of view I've seen pop up here and was only tangentially responding to the "not prepared for it" aspect of your post.
That point of view (which I know isn't what you said) is "Amtrak sucks right now and its leadership must want it to suck because they've got lots of money from Congress but aren't immediately fixing the things I see wrong." But:
(1) failures grab more attention than success or just plain muddling-through. It's usually a figure of speech, but literal here, that trains arriving safely & on time don't make the news.
You'd never know from the list of cancelled and shortened trains from the major cold snap and blizzard before & during Christmas that Amtrak took up some of the slack from the Southwest Airlines meltdown as discussed in
this thread.
(2) a pot of money alone doesn't make an army of workers, or rail equipment, appear. Both have a lead time, more so nowadays than in years past! In the case of Amtrak fixing its own cars, those lead times "stack" as you've got to hire & train car-repairers and maintainers before you can attack the backlog of repairs & maintenance.
(3) life is lived day by day and sometimes minute by minute, and in the short-term time frame it's admittedly sometimes hard to tell how much recent delays, equipment shortfalls, etc. are due to
*weather actually more horrible than usual,
*the labor shortage and related equipment shortage that's being worked on with hiring and the Ventures,
*earlier congressionally-mandated cost-cutting decision-making, and/or
*present conscious decision-making by Amtrak leadership.