Just like 30th Street is now the Jim Gray?? Beats the heck outta me what it got named. But guess what I'll always call it 30th Street.. Not some politicians name who had nothing to do with PHL. South Station will always be South Station to me. Although I do have a tremendous amount of respect for Gov. Dukakis.
30th Street has not been renamed - yet. Plus, if it happens, it will be William Gray, not Jim. Jim is a former sports commentator for NBC.
As for the PPC, it must be remembered that almost exactly a year ago, the PPC's and the long distance train's biggest advocate in the Amtrak executive suite retired. At least part of the reason was conflict with Joe Boardman over the style of service on the long distance trains. It was a battle which he knew was lost. I won't speculate as to whether that was a factor in his rather rapid departure (rapid compared to a planned retirement), but is seems like it. Since his departure, Amtrak has been peeling the LD onion with removal of one little thing after another. If this multi-month "rehab" of the PCC's is true, and IF the rehab extends out to infinity (as many fear), then this might be one more step in the process of reducing perks on the LD's.
Make no mistake, Joe Boardman is no fan of the long distance services, at least not financially. Listen closely to exactly what he says. He wants every dime of the LD loses to be subsidized by someone other than Amtrak. He does not want to use any of the "profits" from the NEC to support the LD's (something that is happening now). With the state-supported trains nearly self sufficient, he envisions a three-part system - The NEC making money (allegedly) that is used for the NEC only (with additional capital grants for state-of-good-repair and other needs), the state trains being paid by the states or others (ops and capital), and the LD's fully subsidized by the feds or others. Basically, he has told DOT and Congress that if they want the LD's, they have to pay for the LD's, not just pay for the LD's after the NEC "profits" are applied. We'll see what happens.