ALC Rail Writer
This has very little to do with rail, but I saw BLET out in force in Wisconsin and at a protest against Ohio Senate Bill 5 in Canton, mom and I discussed with the local media our dislike of Kasich. Since the rally was officially against Senate Bill 5 the press didn't give much attention to the other issues we protested, but I distributed over 200 flyers about the 3C corridor and natural gas 'fracking'.
RailMom Susan in the Canton Repository:
Me in the Akron Beacon Journal:
RailMom Susan in the Canton Repository:
The rest from the RepSusan Miller, 56, of Canton, an unemployed graphics artist, said, “Once that union pressure goes away, the at-will employees have no chance of getting fair representation in the workplace.”
Me in the Akron Beacon Journal:
The rest from the Akron Beacon Journal''He's wrong on every fracking issue,'' said a sign worn by Kent State University student Micah Miller, 22, of Canton. The sign referred to the governor's support of a controversial natural gas drilling practice called fracking.
The McKinley High School graduate saw several of his former teachers at the gathering. He said the governor is wrong to back Senate Bill 5.
''I remember him saying he wouldn't negotiate with anyone unless they made something,'' Miller said. ''Teachers make the best thing of all: They make educated citizens.''