ViaRail trip, Montreal to Quebec and back.

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ms garrison

Train Attendant
Oct 26, 2018
Myself, husband and son took a round trip from Montreal to Quebec a couple of weeks ago. I hadn't been on ViaRail in 20 years and was surprised and pleased to see the changes at Gare Centrale. Passengers waiting for our train were gathered in a designated area; a ViaRail person came out, greeted us, checked our seat assignments, took our 1 oversize suitcase and sent us to the train. We were seated in a 4-seat space, which was great for window viewing. Snack cart came out a few times with sandwiches(ok,but cold) , chips, drinks, etc. Bathroom was super clean and very modern. I did have a laugh to see the same ancient escalator that was there in 2005,lol, but it served the purpose. Return trip was good as well. Gare du Palais is an amazingly beautiful,classic station with a couple of small eateries. I wish the US cared as much about Amtrak.