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Why on Earth does the Crescent still have dining car service?  They can't rely on it northbound (if something goes wrong, no protect car).  The ridership is very low south of Atlanta, leading to poor utilization.

Bluntly, allocation of the remaining dining cars to the Crescent rather than the LSL smells like a hasty action done without forethought or analysis.  I suppose they're swapping LSL sets south to the Silver Star still?  They could swap the LSL sets with Crescent sets just as well, so this smacks of laziness in management.

I don't know who in Amtrak management is ultimately responsible for such decisions (besides the CEO) but after following this sort of nonsense for years I'm pretty sure I could do better.  Maybe the problem is that these decisions aren't made by one person; they are CEO-level decisions but I don't get the impression that Boardman personally looked into the details.  We may be getting the management-by-committee failure mode?
