Oh boy. Well, some of these posts bring back an old thread that was never followed up on. However, now is the time. From the past, do some of you remember the old
LSL Michigan Reroute Rumors & Speculation thread? This was when rumors swirled they were going to reroute the Lake Shore for a month?
Towards the end, I made this post:
Well, the truth is they were assembling equipment, just as they are below:
Um.....all of these movements revolve around PTC test trains. They tend to fun the test trains based upon the routes utilized. You won't see a three car test train on a route that typically has 10 cars. This is because (as I understand) system they are using (unlike ACSES) is more train specific, based upon length, speed and equipment type.
In the above Reroute thread, they were attempting to assemble a consist that approached the length of the LSL to test on the various lines. The equipment was going to be needed for a month which was problematic at the time. However, PTC fell way behind so that particular train wasn't needed when originally called for.
The PTC test train that is on its way to LAX is an assortment of available equipment the fulfills the needed length so they can have the proper information to establish the profile.
Or something like that. I'm not an I-ETMS expert.
At any rate, PTC test trains have been running around for the better part of the year. They are attempting to use as much non revenue equipment as possible (particularly in the summer months) which is why you also see the Pacific Bend and Chargers in the mix. Can I think of better use for these cars....and the bag dorm and new sleeper(that still hasn't finished mods) that werer recently on a test train in the midwest?
Sure, but the tests still need to run when the hosts are ready for it. I'd rather sub a non revenue car for revenue car to run tests.