Update: Lessons from the Livermore Laboratory's energy use graph
Public Domain Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Department of Energy; click here for larger image
The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory energy use graph for 2012 is out, and it tells so many stories, one could study it all day. ...
1) Efficiency really matters, and it is getting worse, not better
The basic message of the graph has not changed since Mike wrote about it in 2007, that our energy systems are shockingly inefficient, with 71% of the energy we create being wasted. ...
2) Transportation is our single biggest problem.
There are two completely different worlds on this graph; a whole pile of energy sources going into making electricity that does a whole pile of things, and there's petroleum going into cars. A tiny bit of electricity and natural gas going into transportation and a tiny bit of petroleum going to industry but that's the only crossover between them. And why do we need so much petroleum?
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Department of Energy/Public Domain
3) Cars are incredibly inefficient converters of energy.
Of the 26.7 quads of energy going into transportation, barely a fifth of it is doing useful stuff, the rest is wasted. The idea of pushing a ton of metal to move 200 pounds of flesh is just insanely inefficient. This doesn't even account for the energy used in maintaining the infrastructure and building the roads; It is an inherently stupid way to design a transportation system.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Department of Energy/Public Domain
... What does the graph tell us we should do?
1. Embrace urbanism.
The fact is, people are getting in their cars to go from place to place, not drive in circles for fun. We have to make it possible to survive without the car, and that means greater density and local shopping. It does NOT mean everyone has to live in New York and high rise buildings; many of our small towns and cities are eminently walkable.
2. Do everything possible to promote walking, bikes, electric bikes, mopeds, buses, light rail, subways, anything that moves more human and less iron.
Gasoline is problem 1 and Electricity is problem 2. Anything that moves more human per unit of energy is an improvement. Anything that reduces the distance human has to move, such as working from home, promoting main streets and supporting local business, is also a big help.
3. Move to Cleveland.
Or Buffalo or Detroit. Cities with rail and canals and water and hydro power and moderate climates that don't need as much air conditioning, the major electrical draw.
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