Some of those are not allowed to accept tips, though. A Walmart employee once helped me bring a bookcase out to my car and load it. When I tried to offer him a tip, he said they weren't allowed to accept them.Just curious ... how many who tip on Amtrak also tip
I am not saying tipping Amtrak personnel is a bad idea - just wondering if you feel and act the same about others who do their job for the wage they agreed to, and their salary does not rely on tips to meet the "minimum wage"
- The garbage collector
- The meter reader
- The appliance repairman
- The irrigation repairman
- The cashier in Walmart or other stores
- The greeter in Walmart
- The usher at the movie theater
- The crossing guard at school crossings
- The engineer on Amtrak
I do give my mailman and garbage man a Christmas gift.
Meter readers are not taking care of me for a lengthy amount of time.
This is more like tipping a housekeeper in a hotel at the end of a stay, or tipping my hair stylist because she spent two hours making my hair look nice. That's my personal bar for tipping.