Why is the City of New Orleans cancelled?

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Lead Service Attendant
Aug 19, 2018
I know I'm just late to the party and every already knows. However, I cant find a thread here explaining why the Amtrak site says the train is cancelled when trying to book a reservation on the City of New Orleans for the next 10 days. Or is this just a website glitch?
My guess is that Amtrak doesn't know, at this time, the status of the tracks that have been closed to passenger trains and don't want to sell anymore tickets until they know if the tracks will be opened again. Yes, I know that they've been running buses between Jackson and NOL. Perhaps they're anticipating being back on the tracks and have put a hold on sales.
As some know (but I did not until we recently took the City) the City of New Orleans trainsets and locomotives still operate between New Orleans and Jackson while the spillway is open and CN still operates their freights on this route. CN does not allow Amtrak to operate passenger trains carrying passengers over the trestle near the spillway when it is open.

On our bus ride from New Orleans to Jackson in May I observed No. 58's train about to meet No. 59's train at Manchac (sp?) while we were riding by on the bus. I don't know if the on board service crew is on the train at this time or just the operating crew. I believe the on board service crew detrains and entrains at Jackson during this time but I am not sure.
Just wanted to point out that you can make the booking to NOL by scrolling down to the train/bus combo beneath the train-canceled listing. it is sold out 7/1 and 7/2 tho.