FWIW, high and low buckets for one adult from BOS to CHI are:
• Roomette, $402 - $748 (unchanged for many months)
• Bedroom, $693 - $1,405 (recently increased by less than 2%)
I guess that makes $748 outrageouser, huh?
Since the coach fare for BOS to CHI is $96, then paying $306 to $652 more for a roomette is, not only outrageous, it's ridiculous. There is not enough true 1st class amenities to warrant that much of an upgrade fee
Think about it, if airlines can make a profit when it costs them $8.15 per passenger and the tickets are so much less than the train, Amtrak should be able to make a much better profit since their passenger cost is only $1.92 - and they should be able to make that profit while cutting their prices in half!
Somehow - the numbers just don't add up