Worlds fastest train...

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Video doesn't play here either, but i believe i did recently have seen this on either BBC, National Geographic or Discovery here in the Netherlands.

@ AutoTrDvr so far i've seen, it was only about regular rail trains, so the fastest was the

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While it is an outstanding achievement, I think that at 356 mph, I would feel a lot more comfortable in that camera-aircraft then on that train. I just can't bear to even imagine what would result if that train had some mishap causing it to leave the tracks at that speed....
While it is an outstanding achievement, I think that at 356 mph, I would feel a lot more comfortable in that camera-aircraft then on that train. I just can't bear to even imagine what would result if that train had some mishap causing it to leave the tracks at that speed....
yeah i can imagine that, however most TGVs cruise up to a speed of 200mph ~ 320km/h in regular service. the most smoothest ride you can imagine, you can't believe how fast you are really going in those things, that smooth!

the LGV (Lignes à Grande Vitesse aka High Speed rail lines) are quite safe with regular inspections, fenced off and way outside cities/roads so people can't come close to them to throw things on the rail. By far the safest mode of travelling in my book! the most incidents with TGV/Thalys/Eurostar/ICE that had happen, happend on low speed sections towards cities/crossing other main lines.
While it is an outstanding achievement, I think that at 356 mph, I would feel a lot more comfortable in that camera-aircraft then on that train. I just can't bear to even imagine what would result if that train had some mishap causing it to leave the tracks at that speed....
yeah i can imagine that, however most TGVs cruise up to a speed of 200mph ~ 320km/h in regular service. the most smoothest ride you can imagine, you can't believe how fast you are really going in those things, that smooth!
Until you pass one going in the opposite direction! :eek: :D