Real Lead Service Attendant
It sounds like the equipment pool for Cascades service is in bad shape. How are they going to find enough cars to start up 2 daily Vancouver, BC trains here in 2022?
There is a Talgo set that has been out of service for over 2 months due to a vehicle strike and subsequent damage. The hope is to have this set back on the road this week, just in time for the Thanksgiving rush. This will greatly help with equipment demands. Also, I hate to say this, but it is unknown if both Canada trains will resume, or if it will just be one.
Based on the travel demand I'm seeing when I'm flying, I'd like to think that we will be able to get back to two trains, by spring. If it isn't daily, then maybe Friday-Sunday, or something similar. I haven't really looked at equipment/crew rotations to figure out how much of a hassle it would be.