Talgo 8s are fully FRA compliant and the two Oregon-owned Talgo 8 sets remain in Cascades service.Why is WSDOT so opposed to buying the Wisconsin sets? I don't know why they wouldn't, but do they not meet modern crash safety standards? IMO, that is the only valid reason for them not to buy them. They could easily be renovated to meet WSDOT service standards, and re-liveried into the Cascades paint scheme. It is such a waste to let the perfectly-good WI Talgo sets continue to sit unused, when they could fill WSDOT's needs better than Venture coaches would.
Washington DOT doesn't want to deal with Talgo at all any more, primarily because of the required maintenance contracts. They already had kind of had it with them even prior to the Nisqually wreck. They also want to take advantage of the economics of scale in maintenance by having standard Amtrak corridor cars, the Ventures, instead of one-offs, which the Talgos are in the larger Amtrak ecosystem.
Talgo's apparent obstinance and unwillingness to negotiate more on those maintenance contracts pretty much cost them their North American market entirely. Washington was their lead North American customer, and they pissed off their lead customer. Now they lost their foothold in North America and are likely toast here for the foreseeable future.
It comes down to $$$. Washington DOT expects their long term cost of ownership will be significantly less with the Ventures, although they could probably get those Wisconsin sets at fire sale prices at this point.
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