HBO's John Oliver looks at freight railroads in the US and Canada ( 12/10/23 )

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Lead Service Attendant
AU Supporting Member
Feb 25, 2022
Boston, MA

Oliver added nothing to issues that most railbuffs already knew but made more people aware.

His researchers hit a home run with the before and after pictures of downtown Lac-Mégantic, Quebec 10 years ago.


Lac-Mégantic was ignored by US media outlets overlooking that fire companies from New Hampshire and Maine raced to help.

Here is the segment as released by HBO on You Tube


is Henry still entombed in the tunnel??
No, in the end he relents on refusing to go out in the rain, and the bricks are taken down and he goes back into service, everyone is happy, even Sir Topham Hatt.

As someone who watched "Shining Time Station" with the kids every Saturday I have seen most of the original episodes a few times.
Thomas the Tank Engine lives in several alternate realities. See the "Bard" post above.
So I went to the Bard site and did my own thing. I commanded the AI slave as follows:
Write a parody of Thomas the tank engine involving Amtrak and a freight train

The AI gave me this:
The Adventures of Amtrak Alfie
Alfie the Amtrak engine wasn't your typical train. He didn't pull carriages filled with coal or building supplies. Instead, Alfie pulled sleek, comfortable cars filled with excited passengers heading off on adventures all across America.
Image of Amtrak train

One sunny Tuesday, Alfie was chugging along the tracks, his whistle blowing a cheerful tune, when he saw a long, slow freight train ahead. The freight train, a grumpy old engine named Bruno, was hauling a long line of boxcars.
"Out of my way, slowpoke!" Bruno bellowed, spewing black smoke into the air. "I have important cargo to deliver!"
Image of freight train

Alfie politely replied, "Excuse me, Bruno, but I have passengers who are eager to reach their destinations. Could you please move aside so I can pass?"
Bruno scoffed. "Passengers? Bah! They're just tourists, wasting time and money on frivolous vacations. My cargo is what matters! It keeps the country running!"
Alfie didn't want to argue. He knew arguing with Bruno was like trying to talk sense to a brick wall. So, he patiently waited for Bruno to move out of the way. But minutes turned into hours, and Bruno remained stubbornly parked on the tracks.
Alfie's passengers grew impatient. They started tapping on their windows and muttering complaints. Some even threatened to get off the train and walk! Alfie knew he had to do something.
Thinking quickly, Alfie remembered a story he had heard about a clever engine who used his whistle to create a diversion. Taking a deep breath, Alfie let out a loud, piercing whistle that echoed through the valley.
The sound startled Bruno so much that he jumped backwards, bumping his boxcars and causing a loud crash. The commotion attracted the attention of the stationmaster, who quickly came to investigate.
When the stationmaster saw the situation, he was furious with Bruno. He scolded him for blocking the tracks and delaying the important Amtrak train. He then ordered Bruno to move aside immediately.
Bruno grumbled and muttered under his breath, but he knew he had no choice but to obey. He slowly moved his train off the tracks, allowing Alfie to finally pass.
Alfie thanked the stationmaster and continued on his journey, his passengers cheering and waving. He learned a valuable lesson that day: patience and a little bit of cleverness can go a long way.
From that day on, Alfie never forgot the day he outwitted Bruno the grumpy freight train. He continued to pull his passengers across America, making sure they had a comfortable and enjoyable journey. And whenever he saw Bruno, he would always give him a little whistle blow, just to remind him of who was really in charge!

The AI also gave me 2 alternative drafts. If there is interest, I'll post them 2. Maybe I'll also do this on ChatCPG and see what it goives me!
I decided to see how ChatGPT would handle this:


Write a Thomas the Tank engine parody involving precision scheduled railroading and trains that are too long for the track infrastructure, understaffing of the trains, long trains that block streets and prevent emergency vehicles from saving lives, and a really spectacular crash involving hazardous materials as the climax


I'm sorry, but I cannot generate content that involves dangerous or harmful situations, especially those that pose a risk to human life or property. If you have any other non-hazardous themes or ideas, I'd be happy to help with a creative and entertaining story.

I Guess John Oliver doesn't have to worry about losing his job, as with these restrictions, ChatGPT has very little utility in today's entertainment industry.
I decided to see how ChatGPT would handle this:


Write a Thomas the Tank engine parody involving precision scheduled railroading and trains that are too long for the track infrastructure, understaffing of the trains, long trains that block streets and prevent emergency vehicles from saving lives, and a really spectacular crash involving hazardous materials as the climax


I'm sorry, but I cannot generate content that involves dangerous or harmful situations, especially those that pose a risk to human life or property. If you have any other non-hazardous themes or ideas, I'd be happy to help with a creative and entertaining story.

I Guess John Oliver doesn't have to worry about losing his job, as with these restrictions, ChatGPT has very little utility in today's entertainment industry.
Bard does not seem to have the same restrictions. It had no problem cooking up a really nice scenario for a disaster movie using the same instructions.
Bard does not seem to have the same restrictions. It had no problem cooking up a really nice scenario for a disaster movie using the same instructions.
Yes, I liked what Bard gave me too, quite the Thomas snarky style. MS Copilot with Commercial Data Protection gave me a rather dry Thomas story.

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