Something of note--and it makes sense why--since late January, Acela First has gone from what feels like half full to now elbow-to-elbow both northbound and southbound*.
*I've been taking 2158 northbound from BWI and either 2155 from PHL or 2159 from NYP on Wednesdays or Thursdays weekly. Last Wednesday (9 March) on 2158 was the first time my BidUp attempt didn't get accepted after 7 successful bids at the lowest value. Looking at the seat map this morning (17 March) before my trip, I just bought a FC ticket instead of banking on the BidUp since I was pretty sure the train would be full and my suspicions were correct.
With these ridership increases, the prices are skyrocketing--in February, a ticket from BWI to NYP was $75 in Business and now, in mid-March, it's running above $200. I know Acela isn't for penny-pinchers but I certainly enjoyed February prices and onboard spaciousness much more than I do the same these days. Alas, back to yelling at clouds.
*I've been taking 2158 northbound from BWI and either 2155 from PHL or 2159 from NYP on Wednesdays or Thursdays weekly. Last Wednesday (9 March) on 2158 was the first time my BidUp attempt didn't get accepted after 7 successful bids at the lowest value. Looking at the seat map this morning (17 March) before my trip, I just bought a FC ticket instead of banking on the BidUp since I was pretty sure the train would be full and my suspicions were correct.
With these ridership increases, the prices are skyrocketing--in February, a ticket from BWI to NYP was $75 in Business and now, in mid-March, it's running above $200. I know Acela isn't for penny-pinchers but I certainly enjoyed February prices and onboard spaciousness much more than I do the same these days. Alas, back to yelling at clouds.