The price of gas is certainly having an effect on lifestyles. I see Hummers parked for extensive periods of time - much more than in the past. My real hope is that Congress will develop some backbone and mandate MUCH higher fuel efficiency standards for all vehicles in this country. Not just the lukewarm increases they have so far managed to get past the oil and U.S. vehicle manufacturer's lobbyists.
All Congress really has to do is divert some of the billions spent for highway widening to rail improvements.
More cars and straighter tracks could be ready in less time than adding lanes to our freeways.
People will leave the cars at home once trains are convenient and fast. They did that 50-60 years ago,
when roads were bad and trains were reliable.
But Congress won't do that, because that would only be in the public interest.
And as we all know "the public" doesn't wine and dine Congresspersons, nor does it send them on all-expenses-paid
"fact finding" tours of Bermuda golf clubs, etc.