The observation as to passenger counts is quite relevant. They tossed away a large market when they truncated Sunset. We probably rode that train 20 times in the Orlando to Jax corridor, and also rode it as far as NOL and there was always a very good passenger count, especially at Orlando and WPK. The observation of stupidity or maliciousness is right on the money as far as I'm concerned. I'm HERE where that train ran, and I RODE it many times. As such, I think those observations are credible. Certainly more so than for somebody that hasn't. Remember that by truncating Sunset they destroyed the southern transcontinental route. Amtrak is a transportation NETWORK, not a collection of unrelated route segments. It's a transportation SYSTEM, and they shot themselves in the foot, (or perhaps someplace else which makes sitting down painful), and blew a large hole in that SYSTEM, that NETWORK, when they truncated Sunset. If you take one tire off of your car, you still have almost the whole car there, but it doesn't run worth a darn.
While the rails were being rebuilt they had an excuse. That excuse evaporated when CSX did such a great job of repairing the rail. If Amtrak doesn't like us saying what we're saying, they have the option of restoring the route, and then we'll stop saying those things. Until that happens, I wholeheartedly agree with GP35's comment. If Amtrak would stop playing chess, and stop holding Sunset hostage hoping for a ransom from the affected States, if they'd start running the railroad as if they realized it was a transportation SYSTEM, they'd be a lot better off. And so would their passenger base.