On our recent trip on the Empire Builder, our SCA didn't put ice out, but had it in her roomette (which was just across from the coffee station on our sleeper). All we had to do was ask her for ice.
That might be more about trying to comply with the health regulations. Amtrak keeps getting flack for people mishandling the scoop for the ice by dropping into the ice itself, since there is no place to secure the scoop.
I agree, Alan. On my eastbound EB trip earlier this month the SCA said that the new rule on the EBs is that only the SCA can go into the ice. He said it is because of concerns about swine flu. As a result, he was up and down delivering buckets of ice all the time, and the ice chest was depleted faster by the bucket than by the glass. On my westbound EB trip they did not know of and/or enforce the rule and things were status quo on my last CS trip.
Given the new ice rule then, what is the chance that whomever is in charge of filling at the beginning of the routes or replenishing said ice will stock more onboard? Or would that be something that would take them awhile to figure out?
I would think it wouldn't take a whole lot of preplanning to at least double the ice........

A previous post from an SA from Seattle mention about ice coming onboard in Montana!
Storage space is @ a premium on trains as we all know, guess Amtral could buy a freezer for each sleeper
( :lol: ) or an ice maker with the stinulus money!The real answer is to allow the LSA and SAs to stock
what is needed @ stops along the way and not try to load up for roundtrips in Chicago or NYP otr wherever!
You constantly hear that they are out of popular items in the diners as well as ice!Trust someone on the train
AMTRAK SUITS, as Ive said before bean counters do not give or ensure good service!!! :lol: The Indian train
pic must be the Indian version of the EB or CZ in Summer, a most popular train!!! :lol: :lol: (Is this 5th class??? :lol: :lol: )