Somebody pulled the emergency brake

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Lead Service Attendant
May 9, 2009
Portland Maine
There was a large and boisterous group in the cafe car this morning, headed into the bay area. Just as we were departing Martinez the train came to a sudden and abrupt stop. I looked up and saw members of that group running back up stairs in the cafe, screaming about the doors not opening. This after several clear announcements that you can not disembark from the cafe car. You have to walk forward or back to one of the coach cars, and then go downstairs. They don't open the cafe car doors.

So one of these not so bright people, having not heard the announcements, and obviously ignorant of all etiquette and safety, pulled the emergency brake. Even after the train stopped, one dumba** was down there pounding on the door and yelling "open this damn door!"
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There was a large and boisterous group in the cafe car this morning, headed into the bay area. Just as we were departing Martinez the train came to a sudden and abrupt stop. I looked up and saw members of that group running back up stairs in the cafe, screaming about the doors not opening. This after several clear announcements that you can not disembark from the cafe car. You have to walk forward or back to one of the coach cars, and then go downstairs. They don't open the cafe car doors.
So one of these not so bright people, having not heard the announcements, and obviously ignorant of all etiquette and safety, pulled the emergency break. Even after the train stopped, one dumba** was down there pounding on the door and yelling "open this damn door!"
And I hope this morons were fined and arrested??
America's best and brightest, there!

just like that one gang that whooze posted about this one woman who decided its too bright pull down the shade and pulls on the red emergency window handle "thinking" it was a window shade handle :rolleyes:
just like that one gang that whooze posted about this one woman who decided its too bright pull down the shade and pulls on the red emergency window handle "thinking" it was a window shade handle :rolleyes:
Maybe they thought it was the emergency door release ?

I mean, while they did pull the wrong handle, there must be an emergency release too, no?
just like that one gang that whooze posted about this one woman who decided its too bright pull down the shade and pulls on the red emergency window handle "thinking" it was a window shade handle :rolleyes:
Ah yes, the old phony canard, making ts way around the urban legends circuit. :unsure:
Uh no, that actually happened.
Wow. Just read the report. While I was reading it, I was thinking it was maybe kids or someone drunk. But the offenders were clearly old enough to know better. I am also surprised that the Conductor did not eject them at the earliest opportunity.
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