Even if you don't put in the upper level windows, you can still use the same shell, which would make things look uniform from the outside and save money.Has anyone forgotten, no Viewliner coaches can be built because the second row of windows can't be put where the luggage racks are. The car would probably look like a glorified Bombardier M7 or Acela car. But what about new lounge cars? Then you can move the Diner Lited Amfleet II lounges off to the day trains and you could finally have a good looking-and viewing lounge car!
Don't expect two rows of windows, simply because the new cars require bigger windows for emergency evacuation.
The current window size of Amfleets Horizons and View liner are no longer accepteble under FRA regulations.
and putting two rows of overzized windows in would severly weaken the car body.