This sounds like the ramblings in the NARP newsletter,everyone has something they dont like that theBut that's not really the issue. It's not about getting things done or not getting things done, but about when it's right to force others to pay for what we believe should be done even when they disagree.If you don't take it from everyone's pockets there won't be any rail. But, there also won't be any highways, no airline service, no bus routes, etc
Paying for what is needed with ticket money will never get it done, no matter if it is rail, airlines, roads, etc. Everyone has to pay, like it or not.
I don't want to be paying for a lot of things the government does. I don't have many options not to, though.
Sure, if you don't force everyone to pay there might not be rail... but perhaps it's more just to accept the lack of rail than to force everyone else to pay for it when they don't want it in the first place. Without everyone else fitting the bill there also won't be a ladder to the moon, but that doesn't mean we should get to work making everyone pay!
government uses our money for but as our high school civics taught us the common good is what matters!
All trains need more $$$,not just AMTRAK, I dont especially like it when airlines talk about making profits and
losses this quarter when they are totally dependant on govt. subsidyto exist!(aka corporate welfare)
As an old DC hand I might see too much politics in everything but seems like to me everyone has their hand
out for the stimulus $$$,personally I want more to go to rail transit and NONE to wars and bailing out greedy
billionaiure crooks that havent gone to jail yet!
down here in Central Texas where the govt.(us) puts up the $$$,guarantees the profits and lets foriegn
companies rake it in!Most Texans are voting with their cars as revenue is nowhere near what was expected/promised!
If we ever can get our light rail to run it will be welcomed by thousands of stuck in traffic folks!
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