Upper Level vs. Lower Level

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Train Attendant
Jul 14, 2006
I've read quite a few varying opinions on many threads here and hoped to get a few more. I was recently booked in a lower level roomette. I believe I last traveled in an upper level roommette. I know it is a matter of personal preference, but let me hear some of your pros and cons of traveling in each area.

Swaying, noise, traffic, too close to bathrooms, too far from diner, etc.

Anything at all is welcome :)

Just got done with a trip from Kansas to the Bay Area; the first half was in a lower level sleeper, the second in an upper level. Here's my thoughts on upper vs. lower:


- Close to luggage area so if you want clothes and such, it's easy to get to your suitcase and get to them.

- Bathrooms right there.

- Close to shower, can generally snag it easier.

- No appreciable noise difference from what I can tell.

- Somewhat less sway.


- Tend to see attendant more often, easier to snag service.

- Don't have to climb stairs to change from car to car

- Coffee pot on main floor.

- More privacy at stations, since people can look into room from platform on lower level if drapes not pulled.

Traveling with my son, I found the lower level worked better for us since we could keep luggage out of the room and that gave us more flexibility with limited space. But traveling solo, I'd probably prefer the upper level for views and more company.

Less foot traffic (going between cars)

Easier and quicker to get off at "smoke stops"

Luggage is right there close to room

Rest rooms and showers are near room


Better views

Access to other cars is via upper level only

I don't find noise (in the hallway) to be a problem

I store my bags downstairs and then grab whatever I need on the way to the shower and drop them off on the way back

It is a personal choice, but I chose the upper level if I can.
Lower Less foot traffic (going between cars)

Easier and quicker to get off at "smoke stops"

Luggage is right there close to room

Rest rooms and showers are near room
But, since the last two years I have taken bedrooms only, this is moot.
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I prefer the lower. It's just easier to get on and off, nearer restrooms and shower.

I also think it is quieter down below!!
To use an analogy and give you a different kind of perspective, I look at the lower level of a superliner and relate it to a box of chocolates and the upper level to box of dark chocolate. Now, I like chocolate and would never turn away a chance to have a good box of the enjoyable sweet stuff, but if I had a choice, I would choose the dark chocolate and feel like I'm up in the clouds until I disembark... aah, I mean run out! :p
Upper level! My vote! The view is SOOOOO much better from up above. And yes, I noticed a tremendous amount of track noise, especially in non-CWR areas in the lower rooms.
To use an analogy and give you a different kind of perspective, I look at the ... superliner and relate it to a box of chocolates
To paraphrase Forest Gump:

A Superliner is like a box of chocolates. I don't care whether I'm on the upper level or lower level - as long as I'm inside the Superliner!
Traveler, you'd probably be happy even if you took a trip on one of

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Thanks to everyone for the replies thusfar.

I'm still sort of tossed up about what to do. I will be traveling alone and was figuring my stuff might be more secure downstairs (less traffic), and I've traveled upstairs so I think it'll be nice to experience both ways. I just don't want to experiment just to have it ruin my trip.

Any more replies are welcome. :)
I like lower level. Its just more private in my opinion. Less foot traffic, I don't find the view all that much different, close to the showers, close to my luggage and yes....you can get out easily at the smoke breaks to visit, stretch etc. Neither level makes me glad or sad, I'm just happy that there's a room available. :rolleyes:
Thanks to everyone for the replies thusfar.
I'm still sort of tossed up about what to do. I will be traveling alone and was figuring my stuff might be more secure downstairs (less traffic), and I've traveled upstairs so I think it'll be nice to experience both ways. I just don't want to experiment just to have it ruin my trip.

Any more replies are welcome. :)
Consider this, if you've already experienced the upper level why not try the lower and judge for yourself which you like better and then you'll know for the future. If you are on the lower level I would presume that if you want, you can always go to an upper level lounge car (if the train has one) and spend some time there taking in the sights.
I've ridden tens of thousands of miles in economy bedrooms/roomettes and never had a problem with theft. Of course, I close the curtain and door when I am not in the room, and don't leave valuables out.

I prefer the upper rooms myself mainly for the better view, but the lower rooms do have advantages. Less traffic and better access to the luggage rack are the ones on my list. One thing I've noticed on lower rooms on a lot of Superliner Is is that they tend to get stuffy, the air flow doesn't seem to work as well down there on the Superliner Is.
Thanks to everyone for the replies thusfar.
I'm still sort of tossed up about what to do. I will be traveling alone and was figuring my stuff might be more secure downstairs (less traffic), and I've traveled upstairs so I think it'll be nice to experience both ways. I just don't want to experiment just to have it ruin my trip.

Any more replies are welcome. :)
We have been upstairs in a bedroom 4 times now. We enjoyed it very much. As fas as security, we had no trouble. We just didn't leave big valuables in plain sight. A couple of times I forgot small items and left them out. Nothing was touched. Just shut the curtain & door, you should be fine. It wasn't too bad about foot traffic either, even though the first two trains were pretty full. Also had plenty of time to get downstairs for smoke/stretch breaks. They announce them pretty early before they stop. Only one time did we get stuck waiting on the stairs for some people to detrain. We will be taking a short run soon, using roomettes. We may end up downstairs! I think so far I'm partial to upstairs, but part of that is because I'd rather use bedrooms for the extra space. Since you've been upstairs, it wouldn't hurt to try downstairs.

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TRUE STORY.... Last month on the Capitol Limited, two proper ladies were sitting in their upper level roomette quietly reading their books. Imagine their shock and dismay when, during a rough stretch of track, a strange woman tumbled into their room! They hardly had a chance to react to this shocking intrusion before I righted myself, smiled, and said "Well, hello!" I assure you that this rarely happened on the lower level.
TRUE STORY.... Last month on the Capitol Limited, two proper ladies were sitting in their upper level roomette quietly reading their books. Imagine their shock and dismay when, during a rough stretch of track, a strange woman tumbled into their room! They hardly had a chance to react to this shocking intrusion before I righted myself, smiled, and said "Well, hello!" I assure you that this rarely happened on the lower level.
Too funny!! :lol: :lol: There was a couple of times I came real close to doing the same thing! Fortunately, I ran into walls most of the time instead!!! :lol: :lol: :blink: I'm sure some thought I was drunk!!! :lol: :blink: :lol: But I wasn't!!!! :rolleyes:
Too funny!! :lol: :lol: There was a couple of times I came real close to doing the same thing! Fortunately, I ran into walls most of the time instead!!! :lol: :lol: :blink: I'm sure some thought I was drunk!!! :lol: :blink: :lol: But I wasn't!!!! :rolleyes:
Have a few drinks and the drunken stumbling will counter the rough track! :lol:
TRUE STORY.... Last month on the Capitol Limited, two proper ladies were sitting in their upper level roomette quietly reading their books. Imagine their shock and dismay when, during a rough stretch of track, a strange woman tumbled into their room! They hardly had a chance to react to this shocking intrusion before I righted myself, smiled, and said "Well, hello!" I assure you that this rarely happened on the lower level.
I haven't had someone tumble into my room, but in using the H room we have had someone actually walk partially into our room on a number of occasions. I don't know if they had the family room and were just disoriented, but I have a feeling that it's more likely they were new to riding superliners and thought you can actually walk from car to car on the lower level.

I've had similar happenings more than once on a viewliner where someone started to enter our H room. I can understand it on a viewliner because the room door is straight in front of you whereas you have to turn to the right side of the car to continue down the hallway. We even had an incident on our recent trip where someone actually opened our closed door and got half way in before they realized that they just made a fool of themselves, very quickly they backed out (possibly embarrassed) and closed the door with out even a sorry! Good thing I wasn't stark naked at the time or that person would have wound up in therapy for the next several years! :lol:
TRUE STORY.... Last month on the Capitol Limited, two proper ladies were sitting in their upper level roomette quietly reading their books. Imagine their shock and dismay when, during a rough stretch of track, a strange woman tumbled into their room! They hardly had a chance to react to this shocking intrusion before I righted myself, smiled, and said "Well, hello!" I assure you that this rarely happened on the lower level.

Too funny, LOL. I can easily see how that could happen. We were walking through the cars on the CS and I almost ended up in the lap of someone in coach. Well, I guess I will get a chance to compare the ride since we will be in upper level roomettes on our way to San Jose and the Family Bedroom on our way home (in a few weeks).
I haven't had someone tumble into my room, but in using the H room we have had someone actually walk partially into our room on a number of occasions. I don't know if they had the family room and were just disoriented, but I have a feeling that it's more likely they were new to riding superliners and thought you can actually walk from car to car on the lower level.
I think that's a matter of people either not realizing that one can't pass through from car to car on the lower level, or perhaps thinking that they were on the upper level. But I've read several stories of people walking into the family room also, in addition to the H room, looking for the door to the next car.
I haven't had someone tumble into my room, but in using the H room we have had someone actually walk partially into our room on a number of occasions. I don't know if they had the family room and were just disoriented, but I have a feeling that it's more likely they were new to riding superliners and thought you can actually walk from car to car on the lower level.
I think that's a matter of people either not realizing that one can't pass through from car to car on the lower level, or perhaps thinking that they were on the upper level. But I've read several stories of people walking into the family room also, in addition to the H room, looking for the door to the next car.
Has anyone ever gotten into an argument with someone who insisted that there was access on the lower to the next car, or that the lower level was in fact the upper level, or something else equally ridiculous? I would assume that alcohol, drugs, or senility would account for the ignorance, confusion, and argumentativeness, but you never know.
TRUE STORY.... Last month on the Capitol Limited, two proper ladies were sitting in their upper level roomette quietly reading their books. Imagine their shock and dismay when, during a rough stretch of track, a strange woman tumbled into their room! They hardly had a chance to react to this shocking intrusion before I righted myself, smiled, and said "Well, hello!" I assure you that this rarely happened on the lower level.

Too funny, LOL. I can easily see how that could happen. We were walking through the cars on the CS and I almost ended up in the lap of someone in coach. Well, I guess I will get a chance to compare the ride since we will be in upper level roomettes on our way to San Jose and the Family Bedroom on our way home (in a few weeks).
A few weeks ago whilst eating breakfast on the Texas Eagle, we hit a rough spot and one of the servers launched a glass of orange juice right off her tray and half way across the dining side of the CCC. Luckily it didn't take anyone out and folks got a good laugh out of that. At least it wasn't my breakfast!
I haven't had someone tumble into my room, but in using the H room we have had someone actually walk partially into our room on a number of occasions. I don't know if they had the family room and were just disoriented, but I have a feeling that it's more likely they were new to riding superliners and thought you can actually walk from car to car on the lower level.
I think that's a matter of people either not realizing that one can't pass through from car to car on the lower level, or perhaps thinking that they were on the upper level. But I've read several stories of people walking into the family room also, in addition to the H room, looking for the door to the next car.
IMHO lots of olks new to Superliners/trains are looking for the restrooms when they open doors downstairs,Iv e seen handwritten signs

on some H rooms and Family Bedrooms saying "Private/DO NOT ENTER",also it sometimes is easy for anyone (except the traveler :lol: )

to get turned around when walking the train in my experience!
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