My AGR # inadvertently on someone else's ticket

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Nov 16, 2012
San Francisco Bay Area
Any issue with that?

My wife asked me to help purchase a ticket on behalf of a friend. It was someone who couldn't figure out the options, and I understood more about all the ins and out about using the website and the various train and bus options. I signed into my account since I figured I would have better access to modify or cancel if needed. I thought I had cleared my AGR # (the default) when I changed the name of the first passenger. However, when I checked the eTicket in the email (along with printing one at at QT) my AGR number is clearly listed.

I called Amtrak customer service to see if it could be removed, and was told that they can't change any of the identifying information including the AGR number. I was told that it shouldn't be credited to my point total and may be the way it's handled by the booking system even if I tried to clear the number. I thought about maybe cancelling and trying to rebook, but then the bucket price could go up and in any case this friend's email was included in the booking and she's already received the confirmation and eTicket PDF. Any cancellation would probably confuse her.

I'm just worried that someone auditing this will notice that it's not my name on the reservation and I could get in trouble for it as a T&C violation. They put pretty strong language in the T&C that suspicion of fraud can result in cancelling points or even terminating a membership. I really thought I had cleared the AGR number. Everything about the reservation looks fine except for the AGR number. She also had a AAA membership and gave us the number to use to book her ticket.

I'm not sure if perhaps my AGR # was attached simply so the reservation could be pulled up using my AGR card or with the number since I had booked it with my account. I'm frankly regretting buying this ticket, since I figure an adult working in this country should at least be able to buy a train ticket.
I wouldn't worry, this happens all the time and if the name and AGR # on the ticket don't match you won't be credited with the points! If for some strange reason this did happen, you can call AGR and they'll adjust your account, I've done this a couple of times, no problem!
I wouldn't worry, this happens all the time and if the name and AGR # on the ticket don't match you won't be credited with the points! If for some strange reason this did happen, you can call AGR and they'll adjust your account, I've done this a couple of times, no problem!
Well - I have bought tickets several times at ticket windows. The usually ask to see ID, but I've seen various spellings and misspellings of my name and somehow I got credited each time as long as my AGR number was correct. This is the first time I've bought tickets while logged in for a trip I didn't take myself.
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I now have my middle name on my AGR account (its my mothers maiden name). It's not really by choice but once I bought a ticket from a clueless agent a ticket counter who typed my full name in from my ID (not the Select+ Card I handed him) assuming I had a double last name. The points didn't credit so I called Amtrak up and the agent insisted on adding my middle name to my account saying AGR requires your full name. Unlike airlines (where with Secure Flight your name must match and they require your DOB and gender now when you buy a plane ticket) when I book tickets normally I just enter my first and last name, skipping my middle name (unless its a transborder ticket) and the points always seem to post.

A couple weeks ago I was again buying a last minute ticket at a ticket counter and noted a slight misspelling of my first name and assumed I'd be on the phone with AGR but the points posted normally. I assume its smart enough to have a bit of spelling tolerance.
A couple weeks ago I was again buying a last minute ticket at a ticket counter and noted a slight misspelling of my first name and assumed I'd be on the phone with AGR but the points posted normally. I assume its smart enough to have a bit of spelling tolerance.
I'm thinking that if the name is somewhat off from how it appears on your AGR account, it might go into a queue waiting for an AGR employee to check. Of course I don't think that they have enough personnel to check every single AGR transaction, but what proportion of transactions do you suppose would have a slight name difference?

I've actually tried buying a ticket and hoping they could just use my AGR number to pull up my name and spell it exactly the same as in my account info. Doesn't seem to work that way. Every time I've bought a ticket at a window, the agent wants my ID and seems to type it in manually.
I wouldn't worry, this happens all the time and if the name and AGR # on the ticket don't match you won't be credited with the points! If for some strange reason this did happen, you can call AGR and they'll adjust your account, I've done this a couple of times, no problem!

I used a common shortened version of my first name when I purchased a ticket (ironically for part of the gathering, but that's not here or there) I didn't get credited for the points because my full first name appears on my AGR account. I had to call and speak to someone to get my points. OP you should have no issue I don't think you'll get the points.
As a followup, it's been more than a week since their outbound part of their trip, and nothing posted to my AGR account. So obviously the name mismatch means something with AGR.
Well, in my dark ages in terms of AGR knowledge, I tried to get points for other people travelling - that was a few years ago. So I tried my friend putting my AGR number on his ticket and I also tried filing in for past travel - nothing happened. No points, of course, but also no follow up at all. So, I wouldn't worry about it.