I guess it depends on if you're only counting coach seats or all seats. There are many commercial airlines with premium seats that substantially outperform Amtrak coach seats and lay perfectly flat for a much more restful experience. There are first class suites that can rival sleeper compartments, including the shower.Far better than any seat on an aircraft. Plenty of room.
Agree on both counts.I find that the coach seats don't support the small of your back well so should also consider bringing something to fill that space. Also try to get a window seat so you can lean against the window for support.
Agree with this as well. I never noticed how much I appreciated armrests until I started riding Amtrak. How on earth did Amtrak miss this and why haven't they fixed it?If there is a drawback to Coach seats it would be the lack of an armrest between the 2 seats.
Well, traveling with *two* people would be kind of moot, because each row is 2+2. So two people will be together, and the remaining "third wheel" will be either by themselves or with a stranger.Anybody has experience travelling with two people you are comfortable getting physically close to?