going to the sun sue
Train Attendant
Thanks again for the updates""what else can go wrong..now Libby..it seems like Essex is not out of harms way yet..hope things change for the best
Good question. AFAIK the power lines run near US 2. Anybody know more?Any one know if the fires are taking out commercial power?. Can imagine that BNSF could loose signals if signal maintainers cannot bring in portable generators. Dispatchers might be hard pressed to run sections of a dark RR.
I disagree. Most, if not all "homeless" people are afflicted with some combination of mental issues, physical issues, and chemical dependency issues. Anywhere near a fire line is not the place do deal with those issues, especially if becomes an emergency which could easily consume more resources than the "homeless" would provide. Those "homeless" who were anywhere near able likely got the word and have been hired, trained, and are on the fire lines anyway.Thinking many people homeless would gladly scrape the ground for firebreaks. Not qualified firefighters, but qualified firefighters are all sweating and have busted their gutz already.
Thanks Ryan! Sounds like Montana has a Governor that's staying home and doing his job!
Every resource helps for sure! The issue with the helicopters is much of the time the visibility is so low in these mountain fires that they cannot use them, as had been the case the last couple days with the Sheep fire at Essex. Perhaps they will have better luck around Libby, where the terrain is not quite as steep.