Planning Denver trip. Need some suggestions

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Service Attendant
Oct 8, 2016
Getting ready to book some trips. We plan to go to Denver at the end of April. We want to catch a couple of ball games. We are coming from SF Bay Area. Taking the CZ back to EMY in a bedroom (our last SCA let us swap from a roomette to a bedroom for several hours and my wife was sold).

I don't know Denver so we are looking for a nice place to stay that has easy access to the ball park and Union Station. Short Uber ride or transit friendly.

Also any must see places in Denver?

The original plan was to fly out. Was thinking of taking the CC from EMY to SAC and flying to Denver. My wife surprised me and said maybe CZ both ways.

I haven't shown her this option yet because I see the questions coming. Why is it ~$700 to DEN but ~$1400 coming back. I thought Amsnag might help me but no. I get it but won't make sense to her.

I really appreciate your advice and expertise.
I just made some reservations, but in my planning I had found rates on one leg extremely high, so I altered my days some to get a little better rail fare saved (about $50 each) and Bedroom fare lower(saved about $200+), but one way was still more than the other. I had an excellent Reservation Agent help me. She told me that my original date the train was very full both in Coach and the Sleepers. Had I gone with the original date I would get the last bedroom and there was just room 14 left for Roomettes. The date I settled on for some savings, there were three bedrooms she said and all the lower roomettes were still available. Supply and Demand drives pricing. Its like the airlines. business people who travel "on demand" pay so much more (full Y fare) than the person who reserved a seat 4 weeks in advance.
My wife doesn't always get how Amtrak works. If she wanted to wait a bit, Amsnag had some lower fares in future months. We have alternatives, a roomette or family bedroom at a lower cost coming back so don't know if she will go for round trip. The way I see it is at least I get Amtrak on one leg of the journey. The price is what it is so I am just concentrating on Denver.

My wife read an article on visiting ball parks via train. She said let's do it. Did San Diego last year. Thanks to all the advice I got here went smooth as silk. Now I just need to keep that going.

Denver looks very train friendly so hope it all falls into place.
If you stay in the main "downtown" part of Denver (referred to as LoDo for Lower Downtown), you won't need to bother with Uber or any paid transport for probably 90% of your visit. I'm assuming you enjoy walking.

Union Station is perhaps a 15 minute walk from Coors Field where the baseball games are. The main pedestrian street in LoDo is 16th St, and there are no cars allowed there. Union Station where you arrive is on one end of it. 16th St runs for a couple of miles and there are innumerable restaurants, bars, hotels, entertainment opportunities, etc. all along it. There is a FREE system of continuously circulating busses that will take you anywhere along the 16th St. corridor if you get tired of walking. Just hop on and off. The main Performing Arts complex is just a couple blocks off of 16th St.

I won't recommend specific hotels because I live nearby and have never stayed at any. But a few minutes with Google will find you many choices in this area.

Also, Union Station is the main hub for both the light rail system and the bus system, called RTD. The light rail will take you to most anywhere in Metro Denver including the airport. Busses will take you to even more places, including Boulder which is only about a 30 minute bus ride. The Boulder bus (about $5 round trip for seniors) takes you right to the center of the Boulder pedestrian mall area where you will find even more dining and entertainment possibilities.

Have a fun visit!
If I had the same choices as you, I believe I'd fly one way to save enough money to afford lodging at one of the two very nice and walkable to the ballpark hotels there. The Oxford is around the corner from the station. When I first stayed there in 1966 It was semi derelect and about $30. Now it's beautifully restored but priced over $200. Even better, according to my nephew, is the new Crawford hotel right in the restored Union Station with similar prices. Go for it!
Denver Union Station is just 4 blocks from Coors Field, which is a great ballpark with a gorgeous view. It's my favorite place to watch a game. Denver's RTD buses and light rail also serve Union Station, so you'll have no trouble getting around. Enjoy!
This will be our third year going into Denver Union Station. There are many nice hotels in the downtown area. We lodged at the Hyatt Regency and it was excellent, about $200 per night. There is also a Starbucks across the street at the front entrance. Near the station there is an abundance of restaurants that serve many different cuisines.
Thanks so much for your responses. My wife took it all in and decided the views and experience plus not dealing with airlines was worth it. So we are now booked BOTH ways on the CZ! She looked at the maps and researched a bit and the Oxford was her choice for hotel. Bought tickets for Rockies vs Giants. Now I will research what to see and do around Denver.

My wife is getting more comfortable with LD trains and that is in great part due to the advice and explanations offered through the forum. Thanks again.
Make your reservations quickly after checking AmSnag for best date(s). It may be all the cancellations of the Cal Z will boost ridership above normal demand once CAL Z is reinstated.

Be aware that CAL Z might still be cancelled and getting a reservation now will allow you toget rebooked maybe Thruway bus to Raton, SW limited to LAX, & Starlight to Bay area. If that happens make sure that Amtrak does not charge you any more fare. It may take some doing but insist thru as many persons as needed..
The Pedesteian Mall in Denver is 16th Street, not 18th Street. The Oxford Hotel is a few blocks from the train station and fits your bill for upscale accomodation.
Thanks so much for your responses. My wife took it all in and decided the views and experience plus not dealing with airlines was worth it. So we are now booked BOTH ways on the CZ! She looked at the maps and researched a bit and the Oxford was her choice for hotel. Bought tickets for Rockies vs Giants. Now I will research what to see and do around Denver.

My wife is getting more comfortable with LD trains and that is in great part due to the advice and explanations offered through the forum. Thanks again.
Can't go wrong with the Oxford That place is a classic boutique hotel and first class all the way I see every reason why with a bedroom trip and your choice of lodging you should not experience comfort from start to finish. You may wish to also check out the fine dining establishments in the historic Larimer Square area. You'll find restaurants with world class chefs there.
And, if you happen to enjoy fine micro-brewed beer there are several breweries within an easy walk. Wynkoop (formerly owned by our governor) is only a block from either the Oxford hotel or Union Station. And the "Terminal Bar" right inside of Union Station is definitely worth a visit. Excellent restaurants in the station also.
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