In Transit-A documentary about the people who ride the Empire Builder

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Lead Service Attendant
Jul 29, 2013
San Francisco
I stumbled upon this documentary about the people who made the Empire Builder. Unfortunately, it was funded by Al Jazeera America (now defunct) and the director died 3 days after approving the final cut, so it's not clear when it'll ever get a proper release.

I can relate, the reason I started taking Amtrak was exactly the reason that gentleman stated. I wanted to see the country before I died, 60000 miles later (and Counting ) ! From my LGMS210 using Amtrak Forum mobile app
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daybeers, are there any 2018 screenings? We'd travel a long way to see that film in a cinema and we hope to be in the US during March/April 2018

Read a fair bit about it last year, it sounds like the Amtrak trip we dream of...
I caught it last month at the Museum of the Moving Image in Queens (New York). Very nicely done.
daybeers, are there any 2018 screenings? We'd travel a long way to see that film in a cinema and we hope to be in the US during March/April 2018

Read a fair bit about it last year, it sounds like the Amtrak trip we dream of...
No idea, I just sent the link.
I see it is playing at the Cleveland Institute of Art on September 2 & 3. Unfortunately it plays at 9:30pm as part of a three movie set. That area of the city is a bit shaky at night and I do not think we would risk it, but for Cleveland area railfans, the opportunity is there. Maybe it will play somewhere in the Midwest that would work better for us.
It's running at the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago for a week 9/25 to 10/5. I'm FINALLY going to get to see it.
BTW, that line in the trailer "I don't want to get off the train." How I feel every time I take one of the long haul routes. People I meet from around the world and their stories are memorable.
It's not a problem daybeers, thought it may have been a question to far as I ask a lot. Two nations separated by a common language probably, and thanks for the response
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