Zephyr in Winter

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What's a satisfactory Roomette vs. an unsatisfactory Roomette?

Another plus about the Zephyr in winter... Lots of space in the sightseer lounge!
Satisfactory location? As others have said 7-10 are at the end of car and noisy for various reasons. You can't sleep in the sightseer lounge and I fully expect to spend two nights sleeping when I ride the Zephyr. As for the SSL, that is not my cup of tea and not near as comfortable as the sofa's in the roomettes. The transition sleeper might have been acceptable but I was assigned roomette 18 once again over the trucks at the end of car next to door to rest of train and the toliet. So, it's personal, but for a regular rider who has to fly from Nashville to ride the train being switched to any of those from roomette 003 which I reserved and paid for in September was just not satisfactory when I already have future trips booked in February and April in Roomette 003 in Car 531 to avoid the unpleasantness of Amtrak's sudden and surprised bump just 3 weeks before departure.
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We're considering a Zephyr trip in January. How is this route in winter (scenery, consist, delays)? Is the Chief a better trip this time of year? Thank you.

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The mountain scenery is impressive. Go through the Donner Pass in the season when the Donner Party starved!

Honestly my favorite scenery is Gary, Indiana, so I can't really give much scenery advice.
I prefer 3-6, but will take 2-10 over lower level. The door opening/closing frequency lessens as fewer people move around the train, so many times I have rarely heard the door. Some prefer 2 to be closer to the bathroom and the SCA. Two trips the door in the coffee center was opened and closed so much it was a major distraction. We have actually taken some better photos from our room than in the SSL. When the sun is straight over head, peering over the canyon walls, reflection is difficult to avoid.

Shot from the the Zephyr Christmas 2013 approaching Glenwood Springs.

Yes, you are not going to get professional shots through the windows with the glare inside and dirt and ice outside. of glass.

This photo and more are in a thread from Sept 2013 called "Winter Travel".
You can get good shots through a window if you use a rubber lens hood and shoot straight out with the rubber hood touching the glass. Here are 2 shots taken seconds apart from the Zephyr. One right up to the glass and one a short distance from the glass. You can see reflections on the 2nd but not the 1st.


You can get good shots through a window if you use a rubber lens hood and shoot straight out with the rubber hood touching the glass. Here are 2 shots taken seconds apart from the Zephyr. One right up to the glass and one a short distance from the glass. You can see reflections on the 2nd but not the 1st.
Great idea. Thanks for the tip. Wish I knew that this past summer.
So far I've made sure my roomettes have always been on the upper level, but I don't care which roomette on the upper level.

I do fine in 7, 8, 9 or 10 and don't notice any difference regards the room location relative to the car's trucks.

As far as noise when trying to sleep, no doubt removing my hearing aids to sleep might be considered an advantage.

People do in fact sleep in the Sightseer Lounge car. Some sleep on 1 of the 5 the couches, some sleep on the floor, usually in sleeping bags.
Those are the Lounge Lizards! And I have seen employees tell someone that they cannot bring a sleeping bag in the SSL to sleep - including getting the Conductor involved after the woman argued she would not leave!

I for one like to go to the SSL at night to look out. Especially on a clear night with a full moon!

It is remarkable how many of these Lounge Lizards complain that the bright lights interfere with their sleep - and want the lights dimmed! I have yet to see a ticket say that your assigned seat is Seat ___, Sightseer Lounge - I have only seen fares for coach, business class and sleepers.
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Finding a ready-made flexible rubber lens shade for some cameras might be a bit difficult. Here's one solution:


A hobby knife with a sharp #11 blade helps trim the hole on the small end so it goes on fairly easily yet doesn't interfere with the operation of the lens retraction mechanism.
I have taken several winter trips on the Zephyr, great views with the snowy scenery!

On recent trips, for financial reasons, I have slept in the lounge on occasion, and am sorry if that offends those with sleeping accommodations who want to leave their sleepers empty and then complain about those less fortunate folk who can't afford them. Lounge Lizzards? Maybe poorer folk than you, trying to make the best of their own situation?

Some folk won't travel if their roomette number is wrong, some folk won't travel if they have to go in coach... Age 65, I travel despite my lack of funds, and feel proud of managing that. Maybe travel does not broaden everyone's mind...?

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I have taken several winter trips on the Zephyr, great views with the snowy scenery!

On recent trips, for financial reasons, I have slept in the lounge on occasion, and am sorry if that offends those with sleeping accommodations who want to leave their sleepers empty and then complain about those less fortunate folk who can't afford them. Lounge Lizzards? Maybe poorer folk than you, trying to make the best of their own situation?

Some folk won't travel if their roomette number is wrong, some folk won't travel if they have to go in coach... Age 65, I travel despite my lack of funds, and feel proud of managing that. Maybe travel does not broaden everyone's mind...?

Exactly!!! I spend hours upon hours in the lounge car on the zephyr. Sometimes I'll look at my phone, sometimes I'll play cards with my self. Sometimes I wear a hat to the diner. All of this offends some members on here who have strict travel guidelines.

Also, I've never asked for a specific Roomette, and never really cared which one I get. I prefer the upper level for the views but the Lower level is sometimes quieter. I've had good and bad service in both regular sleepers and the transition cars so that assignment doesn't concern me in the least either.

If im spending the kind of money im spending to ride Amtrak im not going to limit my time in the lounge.
To be fair to Tennessee Travelers, he took care to plan ahead to ensure his needs and desires were met. Room 3. IMHO a responsible traveler.

When Amtrak moved him to room 18 in the transition car, this was a considerable downgrade. Many of us know that the transition car shares the sca with other cars so it's more difficult to get the bed put up and down and other needs met.

Personally, I have no issues with pax who sleep in the lounge car. I don't go in there at night. The few times I passed through it looked liked there were still seats available to sit in. Additionally, some crews makes announcements that night time cell phone conversation should occur in the lounge car.

I don't think Tennessee Traveler should be judged, nor should pax who sleep in the lounge car. Some of these people travel out of necessity(unlike us) and they are adjusting to a unsual experience.

So live and let live.

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I apologise, my annoyance was directed at folk who judge me, stick lables on me for sleeping in the lounge. We are all entitled to travel or not in the way that suits us individually.

Live and let live is the way.

I personally try not to judge other travelers. I try to listen to different experiences & maybe learn from them! BUT, the #1 thing that gets under my skin is folks ,in the SSL, that put their books ,I Pads etc., in the seats while they go eat lunch or take a nap!!!!!
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When I am traveling with a companion, since some nights sleep isn't possible even with several prescriptions, I will try to sit in the SSL so not to disturb my companion sleeping in the other bunk. I am annoyed if the sleepers have piled their stuff in all the chairs or stretched over them so there is no place to sit. A couple times a Conductor has helped create a space and one time even invited me to sit in the DC since they were having coffee there. I just want to enjoy the outside in an attempt to distract my mind for a few hours. I will say there are times someone who was sleeping saw me and helped me by moving their and/or a companions things, I always apologize for waking them, I know how precious sleep is to get. Also, I know I cant sleep in the Coach seats.
Personally, I am not "judging anyone" nor giving anyone names such as "lizard lounge". I was simply reporting the disappointment I had in the sudden removal of the sleeping car I was assigned and "for me" unsatisfactory reassignment since I make my reservations several months in advance and pay my money for the same. Since my personal schedule is flexible, I simply am happier changing my dates of travel instead of traveling at such a time when I feel my trip had been technically downgraded. The lesson I learned about booking the lowest number sleeper is just that -- a learned lesson I will practice in the future.

Amtrak was kind enough to refund all my $$ and points with no refund penalty. They would have credited my $$ back to my credit card without penalty but I chose to receive the refund in an e-voucher. Also, from a personal point of view, I had already booked and planned trips in February and April so cancelling the December trip while disappointing was made knowing I will soon be traveling Amtrak in my favorite roomette location and hopefully many more to come. In fact I used some of my refunded points to books a June trip on the Crescent New Orleans to New York City. I am considering booking my departure from NYC on the Cardinal to Chicago since I've never ridden that train. I have ridden the Lake Shore Limited two or three times and the Capitol Limited several times each way. Anyway, all is well and I'm not judging anyone.
Personally, I am not "judging anyone" nor giving anyone names such as "lizard lounge". I was simply reporting the disappointment I had in the sudden removal of the sleeping car I was assigned and "for me" unsatisfactory reassignment since I make my reservations several months in advance and pay my money for the same. Since my personal schedule is flexible, I simply am happier changing my dates of travel instead of traveling at such a time when I feel my trip had been technically downgraded. The lesson I learned about booking the lowest number sleeper is just that -- a learned lesson I will practice in the future.

Amtrak was kind enough to refund all my $$ and points with no refund penalty. They would have credited my $$ back to my credit card without penalty but I chose to receive the refund in an e-voucher. Also, from a personal point of view, I had already booked and planned trips in February and April so cancelling the December trip while disappointing was made knowing I will soon be traveling Amtrak in my favorite roomette location and hopefully many more to come. In fact I used some of my refunded points to books a June trip on the Crescent New Orleans to New York City. I am considering booking my departure from NYC on the Cardinal to Chicago since I've never ridden that train. I have ridden the Lake Shore Limited two or three times and the Capitol Limited several times each way. Anyway, all is well and I'm not judging anyone.
if cardinal were to get a VL diner, i would ride it. otherwise, no. same with LSL these days.
You can get good shots through a window if you use a rubber lens hood and shoot straight out with the rubber hood touching the glass. Here are 2 shots taken seconds apart from the Zephyr. One right up to the glass and one a short distance from the glass. You can see reflections on the 2nd but not the 1st.
Great idea. Thanks for the tip. Wish I knew that this past summer.
The lens hood is a great idea. If you can take the cut in light transmission a polarizing filter works wonders in cutting reflections. It also can make the sky a deeper blue.
The train windows are tinted, and a polarizing filter has limits regarding the angle of the sun to the long axis of the lens as far as an increase of sky color saturation.

Indeed, once the Sun is more than about 30° above the horizon the increased saturation (deeper blue) of the sky a polarizing filter provides starts getting uneven with one side of an image being more saturated than the other.

Mid-day is the worst time to use a polarizing filter if you are wanting that increased saturation of the sky.

You want the sun lower than 30° and 90° to the long axis of the lens.
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