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Good, thanks. Was hoping the mussels were good. And i do like spicy, very very spicy food. But what I saw looked terrible, it was literally biryani soup. I have 4 nights in a row coming up soon, I think I'll give it a try just to break things up. I despise salmon (lived in Alaska for 5 years and fished a lot. Ate it smoked, grilled, broiled, stuffed, and any other way, I can't even stand the smell of it anymore! Will only have one lunch, so will be a toss up, mussels or chiliquilles. Breakfast will bbe coffee. And real food during my two layovers
The mussels are good but if you want them to be great, buy a glass of Chardonnay and add some to the mussels.

Really good. They are nice big mussels. The server advised they come frozen.

If you want more, then sharing works.

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If you want more, then sharing works.
You mean they won't let you buy more mussels?
I had the cake last night and it wasn’t bad. Not a Baltimore crab cake by any stretch but they had somehow made it crispy so it was much better than when I had it before.

They also did a great job on the steak as it was much better than usual.

Must make a difference who is preparing the food!

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