Downgraded from Bedroom to Coach

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Train Attendant
Apr 8, 2016
Less than 24 hours from our trip we were downgraded from a Bedroom to Coach on the Capital Limited from Sandusky to Chicago. Customer service was less than helpful. Does this happen frequently? I was given a refund, but was not given any reason for the change. About 5 hours before the trip a Bedroom opened on the Lakeshore Limited and we switched trains. Of course this cost more than my original Bedroom. Was told to call back to customer service on Monday since they are closed over the weekend. Would really like to just pay what my original Bedroom cost. Has this happened to anyone else?
The reason for all this really depends. Maybe your sleeper was bad-ordered and they couldn't get another one. I honestly don't know. I will say that if customer service doesn't deal with this appropriately, talk to customer relations. As I've said numerous times, they are usually very good about compensating passengers appropriately. Just explain your situation and that you just want the price difference refunded, and I'm sure they'll be able to oblige. Good luck!
I missed bacon for breakfast, but was okay with the box. It had yogurt with granola, a kind bar, a large blueberry muffin, and a good amount of fruit. The couple next to us mentioned it was a lot of food and the attendant said they took away the banana bread and a granola bar last week due to comments it was too much food.

It was definitely better than not having anything and I still have the kind bars. It was a shame to see the large cooking area empty. It looked really nice.
Please review the food on the LSL
Priorities, dude.
Call on Monday and ask for Executive Customer Relations. Be persistent and you will do well.
There is no such thing as "executive customer relations". Just customer relations.
Please, Executive Customer Service/Relations exists, and I have used them when the regular service/relations dept is not able to provide just satisfaction.

Please review the food on the LSL
Priorities, dude.
Call on Monday and ask for Executive Customer Relations. Be persistent and you will do well.
There is no such thing as "executive customer relations". Just customer relations.
Please, Executive Customer Service/Relations exists, and I have used them when the regular service/relations dept is not able to provide just satisfaction.

Executive Customer Relations doesn't exist. I would know. I've worked in the Amtrak call centers. IF you call one of the Amtrak Guest Rewards numbers that is used for Select, Select Plus, and Select Executive that goes to regular customer service and or customer relations if requested. The only thing that number does is skip the Julie intro and put you in line for an agent sooner.
I spoke to Customer Relations and they gave me a refund. Thanks for all the good information.
Glad they were able to help you out!
How long ago did you order your room?

Did you ever get an explanation of why this happened?
I spoke to Customer Relations and they gave me a refund. Thanks for all the good information.
Great! And Acela150 is,Correct, there's only Customer Relations, no Executive branch!
Unlike many other businesses (including Amazon, for one). For an enterprise which has only recently begun to integrate their loyalty program with their regular customer base, this shouldn't be too surprising to any Amtrak regular. Though to be fair, there probably aren't the volume of complaints which would require escalation to another stratum in the department, in contrast to most airlines and other consumer businesses.
Please review the food on the LSL
Priorities, dude.
You do realize that people call customer relations and put in several complaints at once right??
Of course. I was just pointing out that considering the OP got bumped down to coach, then switched to a different train, and is now looking for fair compensation for the up charge, it doesn't really feel like the time to be asking her to review the food for our sake.
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