COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic: Amtrak-related Discussion

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Have you tried asking for a supervisor when calling 1-800-USA-RAIL?
I have to go through group sales. in the past, I had a great person that was the supervisor in California...last year they moved the office to Pennsylvania and they are not as considerate..or shall I say as personal as they never let me talk to the same person and the supervisor will never talk to as of last week, the person - Jennifer- I spoke with said she asked her supervisor and the contract stands...3 months out for cancelation...I am now thinking I will reschedule the trip for 2021...
If I were in your shoes, and this is my opinion only, I would cancel to keep from losing all of that money. With the number of rooms you listed you stand to lose a considerable amount of money if you don't. Others may not be as risk-aversive as I am but that's my opinion. Other opinions may vary but that’s mine and it is based on a costly wrong guess I made a couple of years back involving some group travel.
another question...I was given a 5000.00 voucher as we go each year on a group Amtrak trip. we had problems and flooding and I was given the voucher to use within a year...if I cancel my trip, the total cost was 32,000.00 - the voucher...can I expect to loose the voucher or will they extend another year?
thanks all, I have decided to try to reschedule the trip for 2020, hoping Amtrak doesn't make anymore changes to group travel restrictions...and hoping they will let me float the 5000.00 voucher I got for bad things that happened to the group the year is a 12day trip and hoping all the hotels are will to work with me...
another question...I was given a 5000.00 voucher as we go each year on a group Amtrak trip. we had problems and flooding and I was given the voucher to use within a year...if I cancel my trip, the total cost was 32,000.00 - the voucher...can I expect to loose the voucher or will they extend another year?
You need to call Amtrak Customer Service, not a Regular Agent. This is Serious Money and the danger of Losing it is Real without proper handling by the Right people @ Amtrak.
Bailout for Amtrak: $492,000,000 for Northeast Corridor
$526,000,000, for national network
Better than nothing, and it looks like Sen Schumer and the NY Delegation took care of the NEC!

Still peanuts when you look @ what the Airlines and all the "Corporate PoorBoys" will rake in!

Boeing is already crying "To Big to Fail" and I'm sure the other Lobbyist/Sharks for all the Corporations and the Wealthy are on Full Throttle!!
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Does that mean no checked bags or they are stored elsewhere?
They have one of the Coach/Bag Superliners on these consists Jaime.( Bags are carried downstairs where the Disability Seats are on a Regular Superliner Coach.)

Hope yall are doing OK over there, I have a friend stranded in Spain ( hes from New York City, wisely not going back!)trying to get to the US via London.

He' s hoping to make it tomorrow, and then on to Chicago and to Arizona if it goes as booked???!!!( they're cancelling most Flights, No Ferries,Trains,busses etc). Basically hes in Solitary Confinemrnt, the Police check on him Hourly!!!

We had our first Hospital death here in Austin today, a 40 year old Male .56% of those with the Virus that are hospitalized are under 40!!!!!!

We now have the Most Cases in the World ,and it gonna get Much worse Scientist and Doctors say, but NOT Politicians!!!!

So far so good for me and mine, but MOST people are not Working and in Sheltter in Place which is good!

The Bad News is that 40% of Americans can't cover a $400 Expense,Live Pay Check to Pay Check and the Health Insurance is an iffy thing!

Amtrak is still running the LD Trains, but with Short consists and based on reports very few riders!
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From the Flagstaff webcam, No. 4 this morning had one sleeper, diner, Sightseer lounge car, two coaches and the baggage car on the rear.

It looked like there were 3 coach passengers off and 3 on. It didn't look like there were any sleeper passengers, off or on.
You need to call Amtrak Customer Service, not a Regular Agent. This is Serious Money and the danger of Losing it is Real without proper handling by the Right people @ Amtrak.

Jim, Amtrak Customer Relations would be the department to ask for. Customer Services is the regular agents and they don't have the authority to issue refunds or vouchers.
regular customer service and station agents can do the penalty free cancellation - you don’t have to go to customer relations (you must do it over the phone only for points reservations - station agents can do it for purchased tickets.) fees still apply on website or on app.
From what we know about how easily the coronavirus spreads, how can long distance rail travel be justified at this critical time??? People are in close proximity for long periods in the dining car, observation lounge, passenger cars, etc; and to what extent do passengers or attendants sanitize restrooms after each use?

I’m surprised this hasn’t been discussed more… and am interested in what discussion members think…!

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