COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic: Amtrak-related Discussion

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Thanks, forgot about that!
Could it be that the SM is the Longest LD consist ( except for the Auto Train) right now??
The EB is still running with 8 cars, which is the minimum it can operate with while retaining all services and operating to both Portland and Seattle. I haven't seen the LSL lately, but it might still be 8 or more cars as well. It could theoretically operate with 7 since the Boston section doesn't have a baggage car, but I wouldn't be suprised if it has 2 NY coaches and/or sleepers.
The EB is still running with 8 cars, which is the minimum it can operate with while retaining all services and operating to both Portland and Seattle. I haven't seen the LSL lately, but it might still be 8 or more cars as well. It could theoretically operate with 7 since the Boston section doesn't have a baggage car, but I wouldn't be suprised if it has 2 NY coaches and/or sleepers.
Thanks, I knew all LD Trains had Shorter consists, but figured with the Annual Snowbird Migration out of Florida,and NYers trying to flee the Apple,that they would be crowded during Easter week, especially with so many flights Cancelled!
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I haven't seen the LSL lately, but it might still be 8 or more cars as well. It could theoretically operate with 7 since the Boston section doesn't have a baggage car, but I wouldn't be suprised if it has 2 NY coaches and/or sleepers.

The LSL is 7 cars ALB-CHI, 3 cars BOS-ALB and 4 cars NYP-ALB. The first time I saw the itty-witty-bitty LS, I thought it was an equipment move. :eek:
I had reserved an America by Rail tour in May and made my own Amtrak reserverations to Glenwood Springs and back home from Denver. Today, I received a call from ABR that they were canceling the tour. I was not surprised that they were canceling, but was surprised that they waited this long to cancel. I will get a full refund to my credit card for the ABR tour (within 30-60 days). I called Amtrak to cancel my 2 reservations and I will be receiving a full refund to my credit card (probably in way less than 30-60 days). I had planned to stay at a hotel in Glenwood Springs, CO the night prior to the beginning of the tour so I phoned the phone to cancel. Apparently, the hotel is closed until mid-May (a few days after my reservation). I assume that they would have alerted me to this fact or just assumed that I would have confirmed prior to going to the hotel. I had been thinking about this tour (Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore) for years and I am saddened that either I will have to wait to do the trip in the future or possibly not do it at all. Even if ABR had not canceled the tour, I had already decided that it would not be smart and safe to travel that distance in May (and I was prepared to lose the fare I had paid ABR).
Even though times are tough, this is a great reminder of not procastinating when it comes to Travel and other "Bucket List" things!

The old saying about "When I retire I'm gonna_____________, or Someday I'm gonna"
are good reminders to not put off till tomorrow what you can do today!

Better times will come, and when they do, don't hesitate, Book that Dream trip ASAP!!
Even though times are tough, this is a great reminder of not procastinating when it comes to Travel and other "Bucket List" things!

The old saying about "When I retire I'm gonna_____________, or Someday I'm gonna"
are good reminders to not put off till tomorrow what you can do today!

Better times will come, and when they do, don't hesitate, Book that Dream trip ASAP!!

Very true! I was going through old photos yesterday (from like 5 years ago) and I almost cried seeing the photos I took of the Parlor Cars. I’m so glad I rode the Starlight as much as I did. Even if it was a simple continental breakfast I ate every meal I could in that car knowing how special it was
Our friend Milton has just travelled from Los Angeles to Syracuse, NY by Southwest Chief and the Lake Shore Limited. He spends the three winter months in LA, then back to his farm to farm for the rest of the year. He needs the winter sunshine boost as he is no longer quite as young as he was, and he doesn't fly.

He emailed us to let us know he managed the journey safely, but the standout comment in a short email was the trip was surreal, and it's not the type of word Milton would use so we are just waiting to hear in a few days what happened.

Have to add he has used this route for about 60 years at least once each way each year so a very experienced Amtrak rider. If it is of any interest to those reading this thread what a right up to date virus influenced 2 1/2 day LD Amtrak journey is like I'll ask if it is ok to publish a little of the story here, just let me know.

OK, just heard today and can now briefly describe Milton's Southwest Chief and Lake Shore Limited trip from LA to Syracuse on the 2 April 2020.

First this arrived from Amtrak about 4 days before departure:


MILTON .........

We are contacting you about your trip on Train 48 the Lake Shore Limited from Chicago, Illinois on 4/2/2020.

At this time, various states are undertaking specific safety precautions at stations for customers arriving from out of state. Check with each state for specific guidance. The CDC (LINK: has urged residents of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to refrain from non-essential travel for 14 days. Amtrak service continues to operate on the Northeast Corridor to provide vital transportation for employees of essential services.

The most up to date arrival and departure times are available on, our free mobile apps or by texting or calling 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245).

He like us would usually take public transport from the valley to LAX Union Station, this time he booked a private car. Had a call at 3:45 am asking for a Mr ........., the private car co had got their am and pm's mixed up, the car was booked for 3:50 pm.

Made good time to Union Station in lighter but still not light traffic. Arrived at first class lounge, rang the bell and let in, he was the only passenger there up to the time for boarding. Hot and cold drinks available and small snacks.

On boarding the SWC there were only 2 or 3 other sleeper passengers, this was the consist - engine, engine, sleeping car, dining car, lounge car, coach car, coach car, baggage car. Note there was no crew car; they were using unsold space in the sleeping car.

All sleeper passengers kept their door closed at all times, most/all took meals in their room although a full service dining car was operating. Not sure if Milton ate in the dining car or not, would have been alone if he did.

Maximum number of sleeper passengers during the trip was 6.

At Albuquerque for a 90 minute stop Milton and one other sleeper passenger got off to stretch legs, no one got off from coach. No one asked them to stay on board and no one from the station approached them.

In Chicago the Amtrak lounge was open with the rest of the Great Hall closed off. No food or drink available in the lounge, only outside.

LSL left on time with a greater passenger load, journey to Syracuse was uneventful. Was met inside the station and driven home.

So for those curious about what is currently happening on an Amtrak LD train ride it looks like not a lot. Sounds very calm, no interaction and working efficiently, well on this route anyway.
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Does anyone have information that the CZ cancellations will extend for the length of our current travel restrictions? If it is strictly because of an employee shortage, service should only be canceled for two weeks, which is what is currently indicated by the cancellation period for new bookings.
It appears that the CZ did return to it's normal schedule after two weeks.

Also, on a separate topic Amtrak is now storing equipment on the eastern tracks of the north concourse at Chicago Union Station.
Doesn't LD Amtrak have the perfect post-Covid product? (I use "post"-Covid loosely, since things will never be the same; I mean Covid Phase 2 -- whenever the country is "re-opened" in some still unclear sense, and some people are traveling around again...)

Imagine getting on an airplane "post"-Covid -- crowded terminals, security lines, boarding lines, cramped seating in coach, strapped in for periods of time, tiny communal bathrooms, narrow aisles, etc.

Now imagine traveling LD on Amtrak in a roomette or bedroom -- isolated, contained, private WC, OK to wipe down on your own, sink for handwashing, clean sheets, no or minimal interaction with other PAX, meals delivered. Even in coach there is more room (but I'd still be wary of coach).

Even the Amshacks scattered around the country are looking good -- few passengers, minimal or no staff, can wait and board without a crowd. I boarded at Delray Beach FL once and was the only passenger on the platform.

If Amtrak was smart, they'd be gearing up for a post-Covid full house rather than paring back service, imho. And concentrating on virus mitigation on board.
If there was an Amtrak station right in my town... I’d be hopping on a train in a sleeper and taking rides that’s for sure. I think being in a sleeper right now on Amtrak is a pretty safe bet.

Since I would have to fly to a major city and take public transit to get to Amtrak.... no that doesn’t seem like such a good idea so here I sit.
Just got an email from Amtrak about our upcoming LSL trip at the end of May. They are encouraging people to wear masks while in station and on the train (though not requiring).
Still hoping for developments that would make the trip possible. Son is grad student in public health and he isn't optimistic. It might also be a good time to save money since the upcoming year is full of uncertainty. By using the AGR card exclusively for purchases, by the time train travel is feasible again I will be able to book with points for at least a one-way for three people and 2 roomettes. So there's that to look forward to!
If there was an Amtrak station right in my town... I’d be hopping on a train in a sleeper and taking rides that’s for sure. I think being in a sleeper right now on Amtrak is a pretty safe bet.

With little or no luggage, I could walk to 2 Amtrak stations (ORL and WPK), but, as much as I love trains and miss traveling, I am not hopping on a train in a sleeper. Although I am healthy, I am "older."
With little or no luggage, I could walk to 2 Amtrak stations (ORL and WPK), but, as much as I love trains and miss traveling, I am not hopping on a train in a sleeper. Although I am healthy, I am "older."
Your post describes why we're still in Florida, trying to escape. Auto Train cancelled after derailment and we let bookings lapse twice. 65 & 72 both with with highly compromised systems. CDC tells us to stay put. Lease was up in March. Heard airplanes are empty. Three hour flight, auto carrier. Bottom line, "We gotta get out of this place. No place like home (if it isn't snowing). Anyone know if Amtrak has made any allowances for the Risky, or its "leaving on a jet plane" at the end of the month. Masks, Gloves etc. Looking out my widow at a slew of Boats, Traffic, no masks etc. and getting ready for Cuomo Body Count. How surreal is this?

WC Van. I'm not mobile. I can't drive wife has her issues also. Probably 3 nights motels, stops, etc. Weakening our systems and all that exposure, kinda kills that. Sad cause in our 40's did in one day. Came down in WC Room. Was OK, but Waiting Area exposure was Horrendous. Thanks
WC Van. I'm not mobile. I can't drive wife has her issues also. Probably 3 nights motels, stops, etc. Weakening our systems and all that exposure, kinda kills that. Sad cause in our 40's did in one day. Came down in WC Room. Was OK, but Waiting Area exposure was Horrendous. Thanks

I’d take a chance on the train vs. airports and planes personally. I understand the concern both ways :(
Your post describes why we're still in Florida, trying to escape. Auto Train cancelled after derailment and we let bookings lapse twice. 65 & 72 both with with highly compromised systems. CDC tells us to stay put. Lease was up in March. Heard airplanes are empty. Three hour flight, auto carrier. Bottom line, "We gotta get out of this place. No place like home (if it isn't snowing). Anyone know if Amtrak has made any allowances for the Risky, or its "leaving on a jet plane" at the end of the month. Masks, Gloves etc. Looking out my widow at a slew of Boats, Traffic, no masks etc. and getting ready for Cuomo Body Count. How surreal is this?
Hang in there gwolfdog. Are you already paid through April in Florida?
A lot can happen in 12 days, as things are changing rapidly.
I hope things look better for your options in another week -🤞
No Maple Leaf, Adirondack or Cascades until at least May 21......and I'd be surprised if trains weren't cancelled well beyond that.

President Trump had hinted the other day they might be able to reopen the US/Canada border soon....but Prime Minister Trudeau said today a “mutual agreement” was reached with the US to keep the border closed an additional 30 days beyond the original April 21st date.
Some airlines are doing things like leaving the middle seat open when three across or the aisle seat open in rows of two. They’re also doing more extensive cleaning and marking social distance spacing at the gate.
I am not a fan of flying relative to rail (enjoyment, comfort, close proximity/breathing the same air, etc) - but I think in this case with the light loads and extra precautions being taken in the travel industry it would be relatively safe. For similar reasons I think the Auto Train would be relatively safe as well - but it is a vastly longer travel time. Usually, that extra time would be spent enjoying the ride, but in this case it might be spent worrying.

I think I’d stay put - but if that is not an option I’d fly.

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