First a bit of background - I grew up loving trains and taking the Surfliner from time to time. More recently my wife and I took the Heartland Flyer from OKC to FTW and back just to try out a longer trip. I've always wanted to try out the LD trains so now I've got two booked this year, the SW Chief being the first. I'm taking it in a roomette on my own to kind of try out the experience and my wife will join me on the Coast Starlight later this year. I've seen lots of questions about recent changes so I figured I'd do a trip report of sorts. I'll keep an eye on this thread and update it as the trip continues so feel free and ask questions.

Arrival at union station was interesting but easy, only the front doors on the curb were unlocked (fire code violation much?) but it was not crowded and sufficiently signed to locate the counter and check my bag. The person I spoke with was helpful but I could hear the other being rather rude to a kid that was pretty obviously uncomfortable/unfamiliar with the process of purchasing a train ticket. I presented my e-ticket as the website made me think that is what the staff would need to see but all they wanted was my booking number. I was directed to the lounge where again they wanted my booking number. I was offered a snack pack that was rather nice, sodas were available in fridges along with an ice dispenser for your personal bottle. Coffee was available but they had to get it for you. About 35 min prior to departure we received an announcement providing the track number and how to get there.

The train was backing in as I arrived and boarding commenced. The two sleeper cars were marked with the same number so that was a bit confusing but still a 50/50 shot lol. My roomette was exactly as expected with 2 water bottles and it looked/smelled nice and clean. I don't know amtrak equipment enough to say whether it's a superliner 1 or 2 but it's the one with the open hanging space rather than the enclosed closet (2?). The other sleeper is the other style.
After departure I stayed in my room for a bit and the SCA came by to introduce herself and see how I was doing. She came around a second time to take dinner orders and a third to deliver them. Apparently she's been an LSA for years but recently moved to this position (Covid?). She appears a bit frazzled so I'm giving her some grace since I see here constantly walking the car doing stuff rather than hiding.

The common area at the top of the stairs has a case of bottled waters and a stack of menus but that's it. Coffee and ice can be requested from the SCA.

Dinner arrived, I had the shrimp in lobster sauce after reading the flexible dining thread and it did taste good but was not enough, I supplemented with some delicious CA walnuts.

After dinner I headed to the lounge car to try to give my SCA some time to make up the bed since I was in my compartment for dinner. The sunset was pretty and I was only 1 of 2 people in there so it was nice and quiet. I listened to some podcasts and headed back to my roomette. Unfortunately it had not been made up but my SCA arrived about 30 minutes later to do it. After relaxing for awhile and watching the world go by I fell asleep. I slept pretty well, it was bumpier than I had expected (more like sleeping in a car than sleeping on a ship) but it didn't seem to bother me. I woke up a couple times as I was a bit warm but I shoved my menu into the vent to direct the air down and that seemed to help (another tip I picked up here!).

I woke up about 6am just east of Humbolt AZ. I opened my door and window just kind of hoping my SCA would happen by to take a breakfast order. Another guy walked by and mentioned that the dining car was open. I was glad, I wanted to take at least some of my meals in there just for a change of scenery! I headed over and had my continental breakfast with all the options mentioned elsewhere on this forum. The dining care appears to be a bit of a crew lounge, the conductor and others are set up at tables doing paperwork and the LSA or 2 tend to hang out in there. The LSAs are helpful and I haven't' detected a bad attitude as mentioned by others.

After breakfast I went to the lounge car to again give my SCA an opportunity to put the bed away. After a bit I returned and it had not been made up. I saw her fly by around Gallup and later she came back and started making up the room across from me. I took this opportunity to go back to the lounge car and read hoping she would reset the room. When I returned she caught me in the hallway and asked if I wanted the room reset. I told her yes and nicely that she didn't need to wait on me to do it. She said she needed me to help and I held my pillows while she put the bed away. That didn't seem normal but whatever I'm flexible!

At this point I got my cocoon set up to include the power strip I learned I'd need here. The power doesn't seem to be enough to charge my 3 devices at once (phone, laptop, battery pack) as my laptop is staying on but not registering a charge...weird. Anyways, the toilets in my car broke and I'm told those will be fixed in Albuquerque. Good thing we're running early!

Arrival at union station was interesting but easy, only the front doors on the curb were unlocked (fire code violation much?) but it was not crowded and sufficiently signed to locate the counter and check my bag. The person I spoke with was helpful but I could hear the other being rather rude to a kid that was pretty obviously uncomfortable/unfamiliar with the process of purchasing a train ticket. I presented my e-ticket as the website made me think that is what the staff would need to see but all they wanted was my booking number. I was directed to the lounge where again they wanted my booking number. I was offered a snack pack that was rather nice, sodas were available in fridges along with an ice dispenser for your personal bottle. Coffee was available but they had to get it for you. About 35 min prior to departure we received an announcement providing the track number and how to get there.

The train was backing in as I arrived and boarding commenced. The two sleeper cars were marked with the same number so that was a bit confusing but still a 50/50 shot lol. My roomette was exactly as expected with 2 water bottles and it looked/smelled nice and clean. I don't know amtrak equipment enough to say whether it's a superliner 1 or 2 but it's the one with the open hanging space rather than the enclosed closet (2?). The other sleeper is the other style.
After departure I stayed in my room for a bit and the SCA came by to introduce herself and see how I was doing. She came around a second time to take dinner orders and a third to deliver them. Apparently she's been an LSA for years but recently moved to this position (Covid?). She appears a bit frazzled so I'm giving her some grace since I see here constantly walking the car doing stuff rather than hiding.

The common area at the top of the stairs has a case of bottled waters and a stack of menus but that's it. Coffee and ice can be requested from the SCA.

Dinner arrived, I had the shrimp in lobster sauce after reading the flexible dining thread and it did taste good but was not enough, I supplemented with some delicious CA walnuts.

After dinner I headed to the lounge car to try to give my SCA some time to make up the bed since I was in my compartment for dinner. The sunset was pretty and I was only 1 of 2 people in there so it was nice and quiet. I listened to some podcasts and headed back to my roomette. Unfortunately it had not been made up but my SCA arrived about 30 minutes later to do it. After relaxing for awhile and watching the world go by I fell asleep. I slept pretty well, it was bumpier than I had expected (more like sleeping in a car than sleeping on a ship) but it didn't seem to bother me. I woke up a couple times as I was a bit warm but I shoved my menu into the vent to direct the air down and that seemed to help (another tip I picked up here!).

I woke up about 6am just east of Humbolt AZ. I opened my door and window just kind of hoping my SCA would happen by to take a breakfast order. Another guy walked by and mentioned that the dining car was open. I was glad, I wanted to take at least some of my meals in there just for a change of scenery! I headed over and had my continental breakfast with all the options mentioned elsewhere on this forum. The dining care appears to be a bit of a crew lounge, the conductor and others are set up at tables doing paperwork and the LSA or 2 tend to hang out in there. The LSAs are helpful and I haven't' detected a bad attitude as mentioned by others.

After breakfast I went to the lounge car to again give my SCA an opportunity to put the bed away. After a bit I returned and it had not been made up. I saw her fly by around Gallup and later she came back and started making up the room across from me. I took this opportunity to go back to the lounge car and read hoping she would reset the room. When I returned she caught me in the hallway and asked if I wanted the room reset. I told her yes and nicely that she didn't need to wait on me to do it. She said she needed me to help and I held my pillows while she put the bed away. That didn't seem normal but whatever I'm flexible!

At this point I got my cocoon set up to include the power strip I learned I'd need here. The power doesn't seem to be enough to charge my 3 devices at once (phone, laptop, battery pack) as my laptop is staying on but not registering a charge...weird. Anyways, the toilets in my car broke and I'm told those will be fixed in Albuquerque. Good thing we're running early!