OBS Chief
No, I'm not afraid and I'm confident I'll be vaccinated by this summer.
Here is a report on the subject of airliner cabin air, written last March. This might have changed, since then...I'm not afeared.
I seem to recall reading that the airlines several years ago cut back on the amount of fresh air coming into the cabins to save fuel.
We rode the Empire Builder from Chicago to and from Glacier National Park in Sep 2020. At the time, there was no vaccine. We had two roomettes and ate in the dining car. We always were masked whenever we were outside the room or not eating. Conductors enforced masking and so social distancing and train occupancy was restricted. Amtrak has Covid protocols in place so we were not scared but we kept aware of our surroundings. Wiping and washing was the protocol. It was our first family train trip and was memorable and fun.Do you feel safe riding the train during COVID? I have not gotten the vaccine yet. I wish I could say I am comfortable with the thought of traveling, but coach on Amtrak scares me. So does a private room
Even though Ive had both Shots as part of Group 1B ( Pfizer) and am tested regularly @ my work, I still will wait awhile to ride a Train for the same reasons.I'm not traveling. I'm comfortable with Amtrak's private rooms, and with their mask enforcement. But the situation in any of the places I might *visit* is another matter entirely, and a lot worse. Same with some of the train *stations*.
Once I'm fully vaccinated, I'll reconsider, but at this rate that will be months from now. I'm "general population", not in any priority groups.
Winter is my favorite time to take a train.
I get my second shot Tuesday. My wife has had both. We will probably fly down to Fort Lauderdale beginning of March to see aging newborn Grandchild and close on a Condo. Should be somewhat protected by then (85%). We're old and have health conditions that would scare away a Vampire. Will double mask (97%), my wife prays (?%), and will roll the dice. Do I have moments of fear and indecision? Does the bear .... in the woods. My wife doesn't have this anxiety. Probably why I married her. Grandmotherhood is Strong. There is something out there that always wants to kill you, sometimes you have to stare the FEAR in the face, put on your Flak Jacket (mask, vaccine, common sense) and go on Patrol. Just our fate, everyone else has to make their own bed.This is my desire. I have always traveled in spring/summer. My only hesitation is missing out on so much daylight time.
I agree. I would LOVE to take the Starlight or Builder in the winner to see the beautiful snow. But I'd be missing out on so much daylight...This is my desire. I have always traveled in spring/summer. My only hesitation is missing out on so much daylight time.
My wife has now received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine (and had a strong reaction to the second dose), but I expect it will be several months at this rate before I'll be able to get vaccinated. Besides getting the vaccine, I want to see the number of new cases go way down before I start planning real travel.
The second peak in new cases started in early November when the 7 day rolling average of new cases went over 100,000, it peaked on January 9th at 265,000 new cases and has now fallen back below 100,000 as of today. So we are trending in the right direction finally. Deaths are a lagging indicator and they haven't dropped nearly as much, down just 10% from a peak of 3418 per day.
8.5% of the US population has had a positive test on a Covid test so if you include the people that have not had the test but did have the disease it is probably 17% or more that have the antibodies and are highly unlikely to get it again.
One shot has a pretty poor protection rate. One shot of Pfizer is only about 50% effective against the original strain; one shot of Moderna is better, at 80%. Unfortunately both appear to perfom worse against the South African strain. Of those who've gotten one shot, about half are Pfizer and about half are Moderna, so this amounts to only maybe ~5% who are protected against the incoming strains.Add in the 10-12% of the population that has had at least one shot and gotten some slight degree of protection and we are looking at 27% to 30% of the pop that probably won't get a serious case of the bug.
Unfortunately, we are only innoculating 1.6Mn people per day on average, and given the fact that less than half are people getting the second shot... That means that approximately 6.2Mn are getting their first shot per week and just 5.0Mn'ish (approximately 1.5% of the US pop) are getting their second shot per week. We really need to see the daily average of shots given to move to some where over 2Mn per day.
I realize CNN has its detractors, but that's a fairly balanced article that more people need to read.There is no reason to be scared to travel. However, collectively it is better not to travel unless it is essential at this time.
Here is a nice article what you should be able to do and what you should not do after getting fully vaccinated and waiting two to three weeks after your second shot so that the highest level of immunity can kick in...