Atlanta temporarily lost checked baggage service - now restored

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Atlanta station staffing hours are still showing 6 am to 9 am and 6 pm to 9 pm, which is fine on Memorial Day, but wouldn't work for the new schedule on 6/6. I expect that they'll shift when the new schedule goes into effect, unless Amtrak really is pulling an Espee.

In any case, it isn't station hours. My completely unfounded speculation is the elevator crapped out.

What do they do if the Crescent is running late? Do they extend opening hours to cover for that or is that just your hard luck?
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What do they do if the Crescent is running late? Do they extend opening hours to cover for that or is that just your hard luck?
I don't know exactly what is done in Atlanta, but typically at staffed stations with a single train a day where the staffing schedule is built around that train, the staff stays on duty until that train departs.
What do they do if the Crescent is running late? Do they extend opening hours to cover for that or is that just your hard luck?

Atlanta is a major stop for the Crescent and the platform can not be reached without going through the station.
So they must extend the hours as needed.
I'm not sure that narrow sidewalk down a hill that I remember being a lot steeper than it looks here (and then as you mention across a track using ??? is the best backup plan.
Yes, it is steep. Ground level at the building is pretty high above the tracks and the climb up the stairs is a lot of effort for many seniors and for anyone without checked baggage. Their single elevator, as is, has to transport a lot of people up and down. I can't imagine myself being able to carry our bags down the stairs on a trip, much less up. It's a long stairway, not just one that goes the typical length of one level of a building to the next. But, then, it might be other than the elevator is the issue so it affects only baggage and not the elderly and handicapped. Amtrak just doesn't care enough to tell their customers.

Possibly, they expect the number of passengers to dramatically decrease with the new hours? ;)
So now according to the hopeless Amtrak website specially designed for the Millennials no doubt 😬 , Atlanta has no checked baggage service but does have checked baggage storage.

View attachment 22655
Well, that leaves out the "painting the room" and the ant theories. So all that's left is to speculate it's a flex dining issue. o_O
So doing a booking on June 7, NOL to ATL the details of the train say No Checked Baggage. On July 1st it says Checked Baggage Available. So this seems to reflect what was said on Arrow and seems to be temporary.
What happens if someone had a reservation departing Atlanta a couple weeks ago and coming back after June 1st. I'm sure there are passengers like that, what would Amtrak do in that case?
What happens if someone had a reservation departing Atlanta a couple weeks ago and coming back after June 1st. I'm sure there are passengers like that, what would Amtrak do in that case?
I think we know what a competent customer-oriented railroad, such as the Southern, the Santa Fe, etc. in the 1940s, 1950s or 1960s would do. The passenger would not be left holding the bag so to speak and would be accommodated. The same would be true of non-railroad customer-oriented businesses today. I do not have faith that Amtrak would take such a customer-oriented approach in this situation. It is a bridge too far for them.
So baggage cannot be checked or claimed at Atlanta trainside (as it used to be in Boston on the arrival of 448 but of course that is history).
That would mean they had to carry it up the LONG stairs, something only for the young or very fit with bags (and Amtrak knows the millennials don't have more than a backpack) or put it on the passenger elevator which would be a mess with all the people needing assistance to go down to track level.

If you have ever seen the passenger elevator, you'd know they need a priest on standby to bless it before every use in case it stops half-way.

Amtrak has no concept of two-way elevators - like having a group of people go up to the station, then filling it with a group going down then up then down ... Instead, all passengers getting off the train have exclusive use of the elevator until they are all at station level THEN it is only for the use of those going down until everyone is at track level. It takes a lot of trips to accommodate everyone.
I am familiar with the water lines in that area. Very old and mostly still cast iron. Atlanta has not met EPA guidelines for unexplained water loss for years. NS was lucky the water did not cause track damage there ?

Thanks for the report.
Just got phone call and email from Amtrak that says no baggage check on Crescent from NO to Atlanta on my date of travel in July.what’s up with that. First no traditional dining, no baggage check, I’m really gonna think about if I’m gonna travel with them again.

MODERATOR NOTE: this was merged with existing thread on same topic.
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I think we had a thread on this a few weeks ago. Apparently, the freight elevator was seriously damaged (someone mentioned a water main break) and baggage service is out until repairs are completed....Atlanta is one of those stations were the tracks are in a cut, well below the level of the station itself....
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As I recall, there are steps going up and down and not just a few and I’m kinda old with 2 bags and a cooler. Any suggestions!
As I recall, there are steps going up and down and not just a few and I’m kinda old with 2 bags and a cooler. Any suggestions!
In that thread, someone said there was a separate passenger elevator. Perhaps you could call Amtrak and tell them you will need assistance with your carry-ons. That's one of the questions asked when booking a handicapped fare, but I don't know what the official policy is for full-fare passengers.
Reservations shows baggage service restored. The passenger elevator is also used to move baggage carrying carts from station check in to station platform. Elevator was flooded from a water main break. evidently fixed ? I hope ?
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