Any chance you could visit and make a video on a phone with you walking around and showing how the disconnected area in the map above is arrived at? I would watch it a ton of times just to let you monetize it on YouTube is that incentive helps.
I have Walgreens mapped out in my head but I just...
That is a popular thing to do. When I jump off 78 coming north there is a handful of people doing the same, though I assume most of that is people riding 79 over the Greensboro to transfer to 19. There are worse places to be than that beautiful station.
Not sure if you are in a sleeper or...
Well at least it is not just me that was unaware of this area.
I hope this does not become like The Third Level by Jack Finney.
Last summer we were in 1912 Room 4 from Charlottesville to Greensboro. 19 was late into Charlottesville so we boarded then begged for our free dinner as it was past time, by a few hours. The SCA was very wonderful and grabbed us some hamburgers from the cafe and we fell asleep soon after our...
Can someone explain what/where/how to get to the lower level circled in red at the Food Court level?
I am only there once a year mostly and did not walk around the food court that much last visit last summer. But I did take some time to walk around all three levels, or so I thought. But I...
That is where the real money is from what I have read about the credit cards. Oddly enough it was my wife accepting a Spirit Airlines credit card that motivated me to get an Amtrak credit card and then my wife did as well. And we dumped the Spirit card.
I was going to make a spreadsheet just for NC stations and their ridership numbers but I found a site that had ridership numbers for every almost every station from 2005 to 2022. What I can't seem to find, and that is not surprising is ridership numbers for stations before 2005. A website in...
I was more worried the original was not going to be of quality that when magnified to a reasonable level it would be legible. But the CTRL + - 0 is always worth reminding people.
May 1969 Trains celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Golden Spike in Utah. The graphic may be reduced in size too much to read but interesting graphic about passenger train times from Chicago to San Francisco.