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  1. Steve's Wanderlust

    Texas Eagle Discussion 2025

    I opted to rebook via SWC & bus bridge to the Heartland Flyer as our trip falls on a track work week. Two new-to-me routes and I'd say one traditional dinner aboard train 3 is worth three flex meals aboard 21.
  2. Steve's Wanderlust

    Texas Eagle Discussion 2025

    Fantastic! My oldest daughter & I will be in a roomette on 3/31.
  3. Steve's Wanderlust

    Amtrak cancellations and delays 2025

    While ultimately speculative that conmentary illuminates the situation well. I'm only 41 years old, but I consider Amtrak's reaction here to be a degradation of the general view of our human possibilities in winter. Though I see a lot more folks up here in MN wearing light to no coats &...
  4. Steve's Wanderlust

    Texas Eagle Discussion 2025

    I'll be riding the Eagle on 4/1. I always tend to barely miss service restorations in my bookings! This might break that habit.
  5. Steve's Wanderlust

    Connecting from Amtrak to Center City Philadelphia at 30th Street Station

    The same code can be used for each person passing through the fare gate. I did this last week by having my daughter go through first on one scan, then I went through with a second scan of the same bar code.
  6. Steve's Wanderlust

    Serious Amtrak mishandling of passengers

    Such was so this morning at PHL. Though the young lady ushering our train 110 was overheard saying she'd not yet worked the line for "this train" (her words). There's a lot at play, people-wise that can hold up a process these days. Our line at track 2 was allowed to queue between the ticket...
  7. Steve's Wanderlust

    Amtrak video: "We're Becoming a Transportation Powerhouse"

    There's certainly a considerable disparity between Amtrak's marketing team & OBS. Such isn't unique to Amtrak, but closing the gap through development of all staff as one group of coworkers rather than compartments of ad-people & train crews would help. Long-standing cultural divides are...
  8. Steve's Wanderlust

    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago Corridor service H2 2024 - 2025

    The overhead racks above seats should be spacious enough for most any bags. You'll have easy access to bags throughout the trip. No worries.
  9. Steve's Wanderlust

    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service discussion 2024 H2

    While aboard the Silver Meteor in '23, the crew member working the dining car offered to get me the Starbucks blend he brewed there anytime I needed a cup. It was the first time I tasted an example of the Pike Place Blend that I found to be palatable. :) He could also give Flex meals a fantastic...
  10. Steve's Wanderlust

    Hiawatha discussion

    Living in metro MSP I'd really prefer a morning trip at 6am prior to the Builder's slot, the midday/late morning train could move an hour earlier or later - that matters less to me as that train has only one good connection in Chicago (Lake Shore Ltd.).
  11. Steve's Wanderlust

    St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago Corridor service H2 2024 - 2025

    I prefer 7/27 to 1333 to maximize my time spent in CHI, and for the dining & sightseer lounge cars.
  12. Steve's Wanderlust

    Empire Builder discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    The LCA seemed stressed out, others were performing well enough I didn't notice.
  13. Steve's Wanderlust

    Empire Builder discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    7(2) is departing on time!
  14. Steve's Wanderlust

    Empire Builder discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    We have been called to board via the south gate lounge, anticipating an on-time departure for 7/27(2).
  15. Steve's Wanderlust

    Empire Builder discussion 2023 Q4 - 2024

    I'm booked on 27(2) out of CHI. I will update later.