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  1. T

    Amtrak’s Failure

    Pretty scathing, but I'm glad someone's detailing this out. I think pro-passenger rail folks see political opposition and feel the need to throw the blame game (Class I, lack of funding, lack of political will), but Amtrak also doesn't manage itself to a point of excellence where they can wipe...
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    Bi-level Long Distance (LD) fleet replacement RFP discussion H2 2024 - 2025

    I went through the FOIA process again and was given the most recent revision (Rev 5) of the RFP document @Paniolo Man requested. It's attached. I haven't had time to comb through the content, but the changelog near the top is really helpful. The chapter 1 conceptual car arrangement figures are...
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    Newbie from Australia planning train trip

    Welcome! You found a great community that loves answering questions. The Rail Passengers Association maintains good PDF timetables of every Amtrak route. Amtrak has their own versions that show the same information using a lot more pages...
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    California Zephyr first time rider

    I'm taking the westbound CZ in a month! For Glenwood Canyon, should I also get to the SSL extra early? Is 20 mins before Glenwood Springs station enough?
  5. T

    How to quickly search for cheapest day to travel?
  6. T


    Welcome! Glad you're here. I like to use Juckins's website for tracking delay history. Put in your train number (#5) and station (SAC) and you can see how often in the past few months the train has been late. Looks like in the past...
  7. T

    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    Part 6: Lunch in Chicago After arriving in Chicago Union Station, I dropped my bags off at the Metropolitan Lounge, and walked over to Fulton Market to have lunch. I went to Au Cheval to have their famous cheeseburger, my second time visiting. The restaurant only takes walk-ins and can have...
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    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    The best part of the ride was meeting all the other people on board. I met someone who’s working on restoring several electric interurbans and streetcars in the Indianapolis area. I got to meet the owner of the Kitchi Gammi, who was a trainmaster and now manages a shortline in New Jersey...
  9. T

    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    Part 5: Breakfast on the Kitchi Gammi Club Secret morning section of the trip! This wasn’t part of my original itinerary, but a week before the trip I read a article mentioning the Fort Wayne Railroad Historic Society moving the Kitchi Gammi Club for a term, being chartered on the...
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    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    After the layover, I went to the café for a nightcap, showered, and watched a movie before going to bed, being rocked to sleep as we passed along Lake Erie.
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    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    Part 4: Dinner on the Lake Shore Limited When it was time to board, the Lounge made a call. Unlike WAS or CHI, no attendants walked us over. The front desk just told us which gate to go to, which was simple enough. Pre-Albany, the consist is Baggage, VL1 Sleeper (4912), VL1 Sleeper (4911)...
  12. T

    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    Part 3: Lunch in NYC I arrived in NYP 30 minutes late. Originally, I had wanted to take the subway to Brooklyn, have lunch at my favorite bakery in the area (Win Son Bakery), and then take the subway back just in time for boarding. It was a tight schedule in the first plan, made impossible with...
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    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    Part 2: Brunch on the Acela After the Washington Metro, I arrived at Union Station. I wanted to explore DC and grab breakfast somewhere special, but only had ~30 minutes so I got Blue Bottle and stayed in the Metropolitan Lounge. Come to find out later, my train 2108 was delayed by 30 minutes...
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    Around the Eastern US in 36 hours – DC to NYC to CHI on 3-ish trains

    This took place last week but I'm finally getting around to sharing my trip. I'm still quite new to being into trains as a hobby and wanted to take a trip to get a few more Amtrak rides under my belt. I live in Indianapolis and planned a journey with a simple premise: fly to D.C. for breakfast...
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    Utah's big 2034 Winter Olympics transit expansion

    Love the high quality post. Thanks for always updating us with Utah happenings.