`DB running ghost trains - not enough sidings

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west point

Jun 9, 2015
SW ATL airport
DB running empty trains at night around Berlin since not enough parking space at stations or sidings. Note also DB is being highly criticized for lack of printed timetables. Amtrak management please take note.


Note also ghost trains are making a driver shortage worse.
A lot of industrial sidings have been removed or were never electrified and at least one large, electrified yard in East Berlin was closed, so they're boxed in.

2008 - I understand the problem, but it's still hard to think of Berlin being short of tracks.
2008 Bln-SchWei 038k.jpg
I understand the problem is being aggravated by some of the regular sidings being out of use at the moment due to construction work.

The underlying problem appears to be lack of redundancy in the system, with all infrastructure having been honed back to the bare minimum to save on maintenance costs, if not to be able to sell off surplus land. I hope DB is now slowly realizing that a minimalist approach is not a robust approach.