DMV Offices seem to vary greatly, even in the same States.
Here in Austin ( The Texas DMV is part of the Department of Public Safety which includes the State Highway Patrol) there are several offices , but appointments are not available and when you arrive you take a Computer Generated Number and take a Seat till your number is called.
They are using the same antiquated system with 50 year old technology, that I expierenced when I got my Drivers License as a 14 year old in 1958!!
Since it's a State Agency, the Operating Hours are rigidly enforced, ie Monday- Friday/8AM-430PM, Closed on 14 State and Federal Holidays..
No matter what day or time you visit, parking is hard to find,and the average wait is 1-2 Hours since Austin is growing by 5-6,000 People a month.
State Law gives you 6 months to obtain a State Drivers License or ID ( required to Vote which requires another Card obtained @ a different office with a similar MO)with Proof of Texas Drivers Insurance.
In my many years of Government Service, and dealing with Agencies, the DMV here takes First Place for the Worst expierence I've ever had dealing with such places including the IRS and the VA!!
On the other hand, once I had my initial Passport ( issued in Washington DC in 2 Hours), I've been able to renew it via Mail by sending my old Passport and the Renewal Form along with two Photos and the Required Fee to Houston and getting it within 1-2 weeks.
