Weird Situation in Yonkers, trying to make sense of.

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Train Attendant
Jul 27, 2024
United States
I was traveling from Yonkers to New York and then onwards to Boston. I booked separate tickets from Yonkers to NYC, and NYC to Boston. I booked both of these segments in September.

I showed up in Yonkers for Amtrak #238 at 2:11pm, about 25 minutes early. I actually hadn’t checked the status on asm.transitdocs (which I usually always check) because I had been busy that morning. To my surprise, I showed up in Yonkers and the train was gone. Train #238 left at 1:41pm, on time as scheduled. Originally, I thought this was wholly my fault. I thought there was a schedule change and that I hadn’t noticed, and therefore missed the train. However, I go on the Amtrak app, and it still says 2:11pm! I refresh and refresh but it still says 2:11pm, even though it has undoubtedly already left at 1:41pm. Then I call Amtrak.

Amtrak tells me they canceled my ticket to NYC in September! They also said that they notified me and gave me a refund (I checked my CC bill later, no refund, also no email). I told them my app said it was still a valid segment and I showed up for my train as such. They gave me a “free” ticket on the next train to NYC in an hour.

This happened about a week ago, but I’m just thinking back about how weird it really was. Looking for any explanation of how this could’ve happened. Really bugging me how in the future I could show up for a train just to discover it doesn’t exist as it says on the app.
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Wow that is strange. I don't have any answers, but it certainly leaves a huge problem for anyone who has had the same situation as you. Things like this constantly set Amtrak back as a viable transportation option. You're lucky that your route had another frequency soon, others aren't so lucky. Props to them for at least getting you to your destination with no extra cost.