Viewliner I and II discussion

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IMHO the viewliner design for sleeping cars and diners is about perfect. A lounge car could be created too. Then use the venture cars with long distance seats.
I agree completely that the Viewliner diner design is basically perfect! My one experience was really nice--the dining car felt so light, airy, and with the etched glass and wood paneling etc., quite refined, actually! It was great. Honestly, the Viewliner II diner is the favorite car I've ridden in on Amtrak after the sightseer lounge. Also agree that a regular lounge should be created. Mostly agree on the sleeping car design, though they might want to build some cars with something akin to the smaller/cheaper (?) than a roomette options seen in the Superliner RFP.

Venture cars with long-distance seats is interesting. I assume that it is, indeed possible for Amtrak to spec, um, actual comfortable seats, in which case, this idea makes sense!
The option of placing airline-type lie-flat seats in a coach car has been discussed many times in this forum. I recall mentioning it, too. IMHO, the RFP for the superliner replacement is too ambitious. It would be much better to work with the viewliner and venture designs. I know the current ventures are experiencing problems, but I believe the issues can be addressed. Then they will be a decent car.
I agree completely that the Viewliner diner design is basically perfect! My one experience was really nice--the dining car felt so light, airy, and with the etched glass and wood paneling etc., quite refined, actually! It was great. Honestly, the Viewliner II diner is the favorite car I've ridden in on Amtrak after the sightseer lounge. Also agree that a regular lounge should be created. Mostly agree on the sleeping car design, though they might want to build some cars with something akin to the smaller/cheaper (?) than a roomette options seen in the Superliner RFP.

Venture cars with long-distance seats is interesting. I assume that it is, indeed possible for Amtrak to spec, um, actual comfortable seats, in which case, this idea makes sense!
It would have been great if they had produced some Viewliner five bedroom - lounge cars, reminiscent of the SAL Sun Lounges that ran on the Silver Meteor…these could have also had a blunt end obs windows on either side of the end door, and served as an exclusive First Class lounge, leaving the full lounge to serve all passengers. The blunt end would give flexibility to also use mid-train…
It would have been great if the Viewliner 2 had been produced properly and wasn't still suffering from equipment availability issues related to manufacturing defects. There were options for substantial additional cars, but it was evidently by 2020 that purchasing further VL2 was a really bad idea from a maintenance perspective.

That would have been the capacity to bridge the equipment shortage until the Superliner replacements came online, and possibly even expand service a little.
Hi all,

I recently rode on the Cardinal in a Viewliner II (in the bag-dorm) and was shocked at how poorly these cars seem to be aging.

There were cracks in the plastic all around the room, the door wouldn't slide open and shut well, the table was stuck, and everywhere you looked things were broken. The car itself had flat spots on the wheels and rattled a lot.

The Viewliner I that I rode home on the Floridian was in much better shape. It wasn't as nice-looking on the surface, but the quality of just about everything was better.

I imagine that most of this is fixable stuff, but if Amtrak's new equipment is in this bad shape already, it doesn't really bode well for the future.

Hopefully they get newer sleepers out west, and with decent quality.
In April, I took a round trip on the LSL (449/448 BOS<->CHI). I was in a VL2 roomette both ways. One was fine, the other had several annoying problems that should not have been there in a basically new car. The table was cracked and unstable. (The table in the other roomette was fine.) One of the cup-holders next to the table was completely broken. Someone had jammed a folded-up cardboard food tray (with the fold-in corners for transporting food and beverages from the cafe or diner) into the hole where the cup holder should have been, so a drink or water bottle wouldn't fall through to the floor. Otherwise, it just looked badly beat up.

Maybe it was just the one roomette, but the wear and tear was obvious and distressing.
Viewliner IIs seem to get shopped and replaced by VL1s quite a lot. On my recent trip on the Lake Shore in the Boston sleeper (which is usually a Viewliner II) it was replaced by a 1. And on my last Silver Meteor trip the car line that’s normally a VL2 was swapped to a 1 - all 3 cars were 1. Clearly there’s some issues with the newer cars.
The same company (RailPlan) manufactured the room modules for both VL! and VL2. While CAF certainly had many issues, I'm not sure interior fittings prematurely aging (like cracking plastic) is something under their control.
I had the same experience on the Cardinal in January. Not only was the table and trim in my VL2 roomette compromised, but the restroom had a missing trash can cover and worn trim. Given likely funding cuts, this will probably be the norm for these cars.
The same company (RailPlan) manufactured the room modules for both VL! and VL2. While CAF certainly had many issues, I'm not sure interior fittings prematurely aging (like cracking plastic) is something under their control.
If that company, RailPlan, has so much experience outfitting sleeper compartments, I can't help but wonder why they didn't recognize the inadequacies of their design and selected materials.
If that company, RailPlan, has so much experience outfitting sleeper compartments, I can't help but wonder why they didn't recognize the inadequacies of their design and selected materials.
I’m also not sure why the VL-1s are in better shape. Has the quality of materials in use declined that sharply over the years?

Actually it looks like RailPlan might have been sold in 2021. Maybe this has something to do with it.

It’s just a bad look for Amtrak that these cars were delivered years behind schedule, and are already showing an abnormal amount of wear and tear.
I can't say I've experienced abnormal wear and tear in the 2 or 3 times I've been in a VL2. Now, you could definitely tell the interior surfaces hadn't been cleaned and maintained well--classic Amtrak--but nothing was broken in any way. In contrast, the empty VL1 rooms Iooked threadbare and even dirtier, and generally less pleasant to be in.

I agree it's awful how dirty and worn the VL2s are already looking. When my girlfriend and I had a VL2 roomette and I told her that the VL2s were less than a decade old, she was floored. Sigh--I will never understand why Amtrak doesn't have a way to actually maintain its rolling stock to decent standards.
Interestingly, I had a roundtrip to Florida in December in VIIs and honestly did not note any major deterioration. Maybe I wasn't observant enough. I still like them better than the well-worn VIs though a good refresh might sway me. I will say this, one of my attendants said he much prefers the VIs, believing the VIIs were poorly designed in the details.
I took a few VIIs on my recent east coast trip (LSL and SM). While I did not experience wear as significant as other users have noticed in this thread, I did notice a few areas in the room of cracking or where glue had worn out.

I also noticed that the showers seemed to be much more reliable on the VIs than the VIIs (both in terms of water pressure and temperature). My attendant actually saw me walking back from taking a shower in the VI and noted how he does the same thing, so it seems to be a common issue.

However, on the SM specifically, I noticed a lot of VI rooms that had been 'taken out of service' with BO tags on the doors of several rooms, so they aren't perfect either. I still prefer to be in a II over a I, when possible.
I’m also not sure why the VL-1s are in better shape. Has the quality of materials in use declined that sharply over the years?
IMHO it's not a decline in the quality of materials, but rather the choice of less durable materials -- specifically, thin plastic over steel. The frequent (even ubiquitous) failure of the electric sliding door on the H-rooms is probably poor design.
There was a recent trains article about consists. In it the Amtrak manager that’s in charge of setting LD consists was talking about the plan to bring back the second sleeper to the Crescent in May and had to put an asterisk on it saying that there are significant parts supply and lead time issues for the Viewliners that’s inflating the shop count which kind of seemed to imply they may not be able to add that car on the current planned date.
The more I see and hear the more I think the Viewliner II order may have been a mistake. Going to the carmakers and allowing them to come up with a new design rather than doing Viewliner based cars would probably have been a better approach. They are nice on the inside when everything is working but they seem to have a lot of problems. Future single level long distance cars should use a different design.
My SCA on the Silver Meteor last month said that they're having to use the old Viewliner I cars more than expected because of the parts backup on the IIs. We had two Is and only one II, old-old-new. I thought that last year it was new-old-new.
I am thinking that instead of mixing V1’s and V2’s on trains that carry two or more, they try just assigning one type on each train. So say the Meteor gets all V1’s, and the Floridian all V2’s. The Lake Shore all V1’s, and the Crescent or Cardinal V2’s. However it all fits, either way, as I am not sure of the numbers of each
Would that be better or not as good, as mixing them on each train?🤔