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  1. G

    Footage of the RTL-III (Rohr Turboliner III) running?

    Id love to see em if you are able to find it!
  2. G

    Footage of the RTL-III (Rohr Turboliner III) running?

    I've heard rumors that a local rail preservation group is looking into preserving a set. I feel Amtrak is holding out for someone to buy a set before they consider scrapping, as the interior of the sets is in surprisingly good condition, as of rapidos tour of a set 5 years ago. (These are rumors...
  3. G

    Footage of the RTL-III (Rohr Turboliner III) running?

    Yes I am looking for a video of the RTL III under its own power, and I do know about the tow on the NEC. However the RTL-II shown in the video was not as lucky, it did not reach final rebuild and was scrapped in 2015 along with 3 other RTLs. And I mean an RTL-III under its own power after they...
  4. G

    Footage of the RTL-III (Rohr Turboliner III) running?

    Hi, I'm Gale. I'm in search of footage of the RTL III in running service for the few short weeks it ran, however so far my search is inconclusive. I've searched YouTube, various archives, & the forum. However I have yet to find any footage of these things, and I feel if I don't spread...