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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. W

    Roomette Question

    I usually ask the attendant what time he/she usually goes to bed. Some try to get a couple of hours of sleep during the night if there are no scheduled stops during that time. Sometimes, an attendant from another car will cover for your attendant, so the time thing isn't as big an issue. In...
  2. W

    EMY to LAX Help me decide?

    I do not think you would be disappointed with taking the San Joaquin train/bus combo to LA. The California Amtrak cars are generally pretty comfortable. The one aspect of most of the San Joaquin California cars that I do not like is that the seats do not recline. Not all of the cars lack that...
  3. W

    Sleeper car VS Coach Car

    You are correct....I did mean the Viewliner fleet of single level sleepers.
  4. W

    Sleeper car VS Coach Car

    Someone else mentioned this, but if you are alone, you can use the upper bunk in a roomette for carry ons. Just have the attendant lower it when you get on the train. On the single level Amfleet cars, you can do the same thing, plus there is actually room above the toilet area for a few...
  5. W


    I think your observations are on target. Personally, I have found the dining car experience to be OK. I have traveled on Amtrak enough over the past couple of years to understand that some items on the menu are often more consistent than others.
  6. W

    Demanding the Room You Booked

    I read, in another forum, about it happening. I have seen it happen myself, although I am not sure the person who was moved took another room that had be reserved for someone else. Given the general state of repair on Amtrak cars, there is always the possibility that a room is uninhabitable...
  7. W

    Amtrak Route Structure

    You bring up a good point. In the old days, "switching" cars was a very common practice. Rather than the entire consist running an entire route, some cars might be "switched" to other trains, or even just separated, then they would run to a different destination. A good example today is the...
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    Amtrak Route Structure

    I would add Chicago - St. Louis - Tulsa - Oklahoma City - Dallas There is existing right of way for the entire route, but it would take significant upgrades to make it viable. The route would include cities that have not had passenger rail service for almost 50 years, like Springfied, MO...
  9. W

    When we get new equimpment....

    There are any number of things that Amtrak needs to even get started on the road to being equal to rail travel in other countries. Unfortunately, what we see today is really the result of poor policy decisions of 50, or more, years ago. Our love affair with highways has been the worst thing...