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  1. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    At 109 mph, the TGV train certainly wasn't speeding, and many test runs were made on that section before. My suspicion is a cracked wheel or broken axle due to mechanical stress.
  2. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    It appears that a mechanical failure on the TGV train itself was the cause of crash.
  3. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    Other country's corridors easily reach the top speed of 187 mph with a 30 mile average distance between stations. 187 mph is doable on NEC as long as tracks are straightened up.
  4. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    The Acela I will coexist with the Acela II as long as 7 years. Of course a possible collision with Acela I train sets are factored into the selection of Acela II train sets.
  5. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    There are no EMUs cruising at above 150 mph on NEC. The collision scenario with Acela I rules out EMUs. Rotem rolling stocks feature excellent crashworthiness, Metrolink praised it themselves. In fact, no one died at the scene of 93 mph Oxnard crash, but the train engineer did die of...
  6. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    That's why I assumed it would be twice as much as the Korean version. It is putting together the work force that's the most difficult part of setting up a productio base. Once that work force is set up and running, then the rest is smooth sailing. It is not a licensed design. This is why the...
  7. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    It is a modernized single level TGV according to French papers. All current TGV models are bi-level duplex units, so Alstom's taking AGV coach cars that went out of production with TGV power cars to create a "Just for AMTRAK" custom-made single-level TGV model. And Alstom offering a TGV instead...
  8. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    The KTX-II is currently in full production(unlike Alstom's proposed frankentrain model), and is currently selling for $28 million a train set. I am being very generous here, since it could well be less than $56 million per trainset. Double that for Buy America compliance X 28 sets = $1.57...
  9. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    An old test train. That's the maximum design speed, not the maximum revenue service speed, which must be at least 10% lower. AMTRAK asked for a train set that could do 200 mph service when conditions permitting in the future, and this is why Alstom proposed a frankentrain model consisting of...
  10. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    It is not Pendolino for one simple reason; there is no Pendolino model in service at 160 mph(maximum is 140 mph) and speed increase adds weight to rolling stocks, on top of FRA-fied weight increase which requires more powerful electrical propulsion and so on. The French newspaper claimed it was...
  11. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    There are only two HSR train models with zero passenger accident fatalities to date; KTX-II and Pure Shinkansen(Hybrid Shinkansen E2 was involved in the 2011 Wenzhou disaster and countless perished).
  12. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    Two strikes against Alstom today.
  13. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    No, but the tunnel could collapse under corrosion and destroy the train set.
  14. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    Rotem's standard EMUs and KTX-II models and their export derivatives are fine, the KTX-II is run like a subway with hundreds of departures per day yet everything runs smoothly. Rotem typical bid at 70% of its European rivals. The difference maybe greater this time because while Alstom is trying...
  15. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    The KTX-II's seat pitch is 980 mm. The Acela's seat pitch is 991 mm. That's a difference of about 0.4 inches, and matching Acela's seat pitch would add about 5.6 inches to cabin, so a non-issue.
  16. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement

    That one is out of production, and so is the AGV. This is why Alstom's bid price is $2.5 billion, because they are trying to restore something out of production for four years(AGV) vs KTX-II which is in full production and is at least $1 billion cheaper because of the volume of scale. So this...
  17. I

    Elyria station

    Yea, but I would have to get off the train at 4:18 AM and there is no public transportation at Elyria. While I can ask someone to pick me up, I can't ask them to pick me up at 4:18 AM. And the train departs Elyria at 4:50 AM too.
  18. I

    Acela II RFP information announcement The 410 seater is a low platform version. The high platform version can add 32 more seats for a total of 442. Seating capacity is not an issue and the usable floor space is exactly the same as that of a...
  19. I

    Elyria station

    Oh, there is one. Too bad the train stops at 4:18 AM.
  20. I

    Elyria station

    I didn't see one when I was there. I would have loved to have taken a train but was forced to drive to Elyria.