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Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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  1. G

    Dog growled at the conductor!

    Aloha I have had several discussions with some experts on service dogs. What I find disturbing is there is no standard on what id a service Animal should have. Secondly if one does an Internet search you will find a number of companies that issue phony IDs.
  2. G

    X-Train Chugging Along?

    Aloha Interesting, I wonder when they took that picture. It looks like it was shot just after the cars arrived in Vegas. About a month or so ago the weeds were about 1/3 of the way up the car. About 2 weeks ago they had been trimmed. 3 days ago I saw a food commercial they shot about the meals...
  3. G

    Tinnitus and high altitude train trip on CZ

    Aloha PC I would no trust a GP when he said it was your Piano. I have worked in the Live Entertainment Industry over 50 years and thankfully only very minor change in my hearing. On a regular bases I get mine checked by an audiologist. Tinnitus is a form of reflections in the auditory nerves...
  4. G

    Xpress West and X-Train Connections?

    Aloha At least the Food commercial got the X-train people to trim the weeds from where the cars sit on the north side of downtown LV. btw: they are on the Review Journal Siding.
  5. G

    Seatmate Stories

    Just Like Penny's wrong Turn, Now when was that? :D Aloha
  6. G

    Chooseing Between Bus Companies

    Aloha I need to by tickets for someone else between LA and LV. BOLT, Greyhound, and Megabus all offer service. Greyhound is most known to me, Bolt is cheapest. All have schedules that work. Any Recommendations? Mahalo Eric.
  7. G

    Amtrak featured in " Trading Places"

    Aloha Everything you want to know about this movie, and then some, is here:
  8. G

    RBBBBTrain - Las Vegas

    Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Baily Blue train. Once a year they come here, This AM they had the Elephants by the LV Sign. Shame they play in a building instead of a tent. But a building is more comfortable. They travel in a train that is more than a mile long.
  9. G

    RBBBBTrain - Las Vegas

    Aloha This train arrived this morning around 5:00am according to one of the roustabouts. They will unload it tonight after it cools off. No working camera but this years train looks about the same as last year.
  10. G

    when/why did Amtrak get rid of "coach," "sleeper," etc

    I sure hope someone holding my hand is alive :giggle: :help: :o :lol: Aloha
  11. G

    Amtrak Cancels its Newspaper Subscription

    Aloha Considering how poorly the are delivered and since only a percentage of riders want them It seems to be appropriate that Amtrak cancel a system-wide subscription. It seems more appropriate that an attentive SCA would find out if his people want one they could arrange one from the next...
  12. G

    Advocating for improved passenger rail service

    Aloha It's been a bunch of years since I was at the Fountainbleu in Miami. I was leaving by train and the hotel had no clue Miami had train service. The hotel bellman had to call Amtrak to send a taxi to the hotel as none of the taxis that serviced the hotel would take me.
  13. G

    UP Business Train + Some Nice Amtrak Scenes

    Aloha Guess you haven't seen the RBBBB Train. something like 40 passenger cars + 20 flat cars. Do not know this year's schedule but comes to Vegas around the second week of June.
  14. G

    Assigned seats/cars?

    Aloha Memories of my first train rides out of Philadelphia are that as we boarded the PRR behind the GG-1 the conductor (could have been a car attendant) at the car door saying left to ... right to Conshihakin (sp) where my aunt lived.
  15. G

    The Passing of a Friend!

    And This will be the Patrick I will keep in My Heart forever Aloha Patrick, till we meet again on a Heavenly Train.
  16. G

    The Passing of a Friend!

    Aloha This is the Gathering where I met Patrick, Whoozon1st
  17. G

    Bill Haithcoat's Health Condition

    Aloha MM Bill is an increadable RR Historian, Surpassed only by how good a person he is. :wub: Hopfully we will both be at the next Gathering.
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    Bill Haithcoat's Health Condition

    Aloha Bill Good to see your post, I just came home from seeing the UP BigBoy arrive in Las Vegas. 2 Hours late :giggle:
  19. G

    Southwest Chief, April 2014

    Having a Good time is never wasting time. Aloha
  20. G

    Name That Station!
