Lead Service Attendant
In the last year, I've developed a case of tinnitus - most likely due to my many years of playing the piano and listening to kids bang away on my Yamaha U3 on a daily basis. The 'ringing in my ears' really only started early fall, 2013 and then only gradually became noticeable. I took the SWC to California in December and discovered that I didn't 'hear' the high pitched sound during that trip, but it returned with a vengeance once I got back. I'll be taking the CZ from SAC to CHI this summer, and wondering if anyone else with this issue might have ever noticed a negative effect, since the altitude is pretty high. Taking SWC again, to RIV but don't expect any problems with that....but the CZ return is a little more of a concern. And for the record...I've consulted with several medical people who say this is very common and there is little available to treat it. I'm starting to get used to it...but I don't want to complicate things by the high altitude of the CZ if I don't have to. I'm thinking I'll probably be just fine...but wanted to see if anyone else has ever dealt with this malady.