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  1. G

    Guess who's coming to dinner?

    I've met with a wife of an Arizona senator, Amish couple, a couple from Alaska with tall tale stories, Aussie couple, and bunch of unique Amtrak foamers which I know. I'm sure there are more ordinary people.
  2. G

    Amtrak train in flooded waters near Mt Joy, PA - 08/31/18

    That's a public shower, an Amtrak newest station amenity!
  3. G

    A Couple of Observations (from a Canadian)

    You're not alone with others about declining quality of services. The Amtrak president and its board of members are mainly responsible for making business decisions, and from the government, too. I hope it doesn't go too far down to the bottomless pit before turning back or gone forever.
  4. G

    Kenya's $4 Billion Chinese Built Railway Inaugurated

    If Amtrak is owned by Japanese investors, engineers will have to point at signals. It might be a good thing for safety and excellent on time (probably not on freight owned track)!
  5. G

    Non member tribute to Alan

    Thank you for posting! He's a very helpful person! I surely miss him.
  6. G

    Habitual Amtrak ticket Scammer in LA Union station.

    It happens more common than you think. I don't trust anybody for tickets, except machine and ticket booths, esp. in downtown train stations.
  7. G

    Alan Burden (AlanB)

    I was shocked about his passing. At least AU NYC Gathering this fall is a perfect place for us to honor him, along with others such as Joe.
  8. G

    So what can an engineer make?

    Great details on clear descriptions of task! I knew it's a tough job but I could do that.
  9. G

    Amtrak/Camping Sites

    How about Surf, CA?
  10. G

    Southwest Chief News & Future Operations

    It's not that old, but it's overused. Waiting room is a little too small for SWC, Greyhounds, and Mexican buses.
  11. G

    Massive truck driver shortage?

    I do occasionally drive truck but haven't done in a few years. I did for hauling whey between milk plant and dairy few times and hauling silage during harvest season. It's not for me to do full time because I like to work with various activities, not driving all day with my mind idling. I...
  12. G

    Long Time Member Joe Hess Has Taken His Final Ride

    Sorry for taking to long to respond. I had a privilege to meet him during an AU Gathering. He was a really nice fella. Thanks Alan to spread the news.
  13. G

    Staffed to Unstaffed Stations Master Thread

    I'm impressed with Olympia station manned by volunteers despite the mess when the Cascades was forced to stop and turned around during our AU Gathering last year
  14. G

    Longest Commuter Rail Trip?

    Done that! Esp. with beep beep noise when the doors are closing. You'll gain nearly 1,890 feet from Albuquerque to Santa Fe.
  15. G

    Delta Airlines - Are They REALLY Better?

    I usually fly with Delta because of my location. I could go to Boise to get better selection of airlines but not good in the winter- driving 2 hours in bad weather. I think there is nothing special to write about Delta, just an ordinary airline.
  16. G

    Name that station, NYC Subway Edition

    Do I need to shave my beard, too?
  17. G

    Tiger Grant for SW Chief in New Mexico announced

    I was going to type wig-wag but I didn't think they don't do swinging, just a arm sticking outward. Thanks Betty!
  18. G

    Tiger Grant for SW Chief in New Mexico announced

    So that means most of old style signals (I forget the name of it) would be replaced by modern signals?
  19. G

    Arches National Park when traveling by Amtrak

    I've stayed overnight in Green River and it's a very small town, mostly depends on interstate highway for hotels, had, etc. So I doubt there is a car rental in there.